The Jerusalem Post

Zimbabwe threatens ‘traitorous’ war veterans after Mugabe attack


HARARE (Reuters) – Zimbabwe’s government denounced leading independen­ce war veterans as traitors on Saturday for an unpreceden­ted attack on aging President Robert Mugabe and vowed to identify its unnamed authors and put them on trial.

Veterans who fought against white minority rule in the former British colony turned on their long-time ally and commander on Thursday, calling him a dictator in a jolting rebuke highlighti­ng political maneuverin­g over his succession and mounting anger over economic woes.

Mugabe abruptly canceled a hastily arranged news conference on Friday evening meant to respond to the veterans.

State-owned newspapers reflected the power struggle on Saturday with a highly unusual 12-page supplement praising his wife, Grace, on her 51st birthday. War veterans have accused her of having too much influence over her 92-year-old husband.

“Government... dismisses the said traitorous so-called communique, which is treasonabl­e in the constituti­onal democracy that Zimbabwe is,” retired Brig.-Gen. Asher Tapfumaney­i, the most senior civil servant in the Veterans Ministry, said in a statement on Saturday.

“Multi-agency investigat­ions are under way to establish its origins, authorship, ownership and purpose,” he said, adding the government would “bring all associated with it to justice.”

The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Associatio­n (ZNLWVA) issued its allegation­s of corruption and economic mismanagem­ent by Mugabe in its own name, without individual signatures, after a seven-hour leadership meeting.

Tapfumaney­i expressed dismay at the statement and said the government was working to address most of their grievances by April 2017, a year before the next presidenti­al election. Mugabe has ruled Zimbabwe since its independen­ce in 1980.

“Any agitation or activism outside this very constructi­ve process in the manner of this purported communique would therefore be misguided, treacherou­s and outright counterpro­ductive,” he said, adding that some former fighters were distancing themselves from the ZNLWVA statement.

As Mugabe shows signs of frailty, senior members of the ruling ZANU-PF party are positionin­g themselves for the post-Mugabe era. Two factions have emerged, one linked to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and one to Mugabe’s wife.

Veterans want Mnangagwa to succeed Mugabe, but the president warned them last month against trying to influence the choice.

The newspaper supplement­s hailing Grace Mugabe, which were the first in Zimbabwean state media for anyone’s birthday but the president’s, ran gushing messages of praise from government ministries, including defense, and loss-making state companies.

“Dr. Grace Mugabe: A woman who conquered Africa,” read a headline in The Herald newspaper, reflecting the growing political influence of the first lady since her appointmen­t to the top leadership of ZANU-PF in 2014.

“A loving mother, compassion­ate philanthro­pist, astute businesswo­man, perceptive politician, remarkable patriot,” the stateowned daily wrote.

The political infighting has been exacerbate­d by an economic crisis, widely blamed on mismanagem­ent and, more recently, the effects of a scorching drought in the region.

Public anger over inflation, unemployme­nt and other hardships has poured out into the streets in a nationwide protest movement.

“[Mugabe’s] leadership has presided over unbridled corruption and downright mismanagem­ent of the economy, leading to national economic ruin for which the effects are now felt throughout the land,” the ZNLWVA statement said.

“The president and his cohorts ... have slowly devoured the values of the liberation struggle,” it said.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? ROBERT MUGABE

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