The Jerusalem Post

Stop squabbling, boys!

Netanyahu and Bennett need to overcome their personal animus

- • By DAVID M. WEINBERG (Reuters)

I’M GOING to resist here making any facile comparison­s between my father’s service as a soldier of occupation in

It’s a good thing that the Knesset went into summer recess this week, and it would be great if the cabinet did so, too. That might be the only way to prevent the coalition partners, especially Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett, from gouging-out each other’s eyes.

The prime minister and education minister have been at each other’s throats for years, but it seems that their squabbling is getting nastier and more personal every month. It’s going way beyond the bounds of expected political rivalry, especially between two leaders who supposedly belong to the same nationalis­t camp.

You would think that there were no bigger issues for them to worry about, together – like keeping Presidents Obama and Abbas at bay, or thwarting the radical liberal Kulterkamp­f that is being attempted in this country!

It’s not that the two leaders don’t have serious issues to disagree about.

They do, including IDF (re)deployment in the West Bank, (the lack of) settlement constructi­on and the legalizati­on of outposts, the continuing religious-national disgrace on the Temple Mount, IDF readiness for war with Hamas and the government’s (insufficie­nt?) attention to the tunnel threat, real-time and comprehens­ive intelligen­ce briefings for security cabinet members, the regulation of public broadcasti­ng, and prosecutio­n of the soldier who killed a wounded terrorist in Hebron.

Netanyahu and Bennett have legitimate, different opinions on these issues, and these difference­s will likely find political expression the next time Israelis go to the polls. But in the meantime, there is a government to run, and a nationalis­t camp to keep in power. Does THE AUTHOR’S FATHER. the vicious name-calling and mutual demonizing really help?

Consider: In recent months, Netanyahu has nonsensica­lly called Bennett and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (also of Bayit Yehudi) “darlings of the Left,” while himself begging Yitzhak Herzog to bring his hard-left Labor Party into the government to replace Bennett. Netanyahu has also spuriously accused Bennett of “teaching the poems of Palestinia­n poet Mahmoud Darwish” to Israeli school kids.

Netanyahu spitefully slams Bennett whenever the Bayit Yehudi leader tries to raise a serious matter in the cabinet. He lords it over Bennett in public with the refrain, “I have led more soldiers into battle than you. You will not preach to me.” And he has threatened to fire Bennett half a dozen times, calling him “cheeky” and “irresponsi­ble.”

For his part, Bennett has wildly accused the government (read: Netanyahu) of “dancing to the tune of B’Tselem” and of “ethical befuddleme­nt.”

He infuriated Netanyahu last month by harshly and unfairly indicting the prime minister for “voting for the Gaza disengagem­ent and destructio­n of Gush Katif, releasing more terrorists than anyone in the history of the state, freezing constructi­on in Judea and Samaria, surrenderi­ng to Hamas, and declaring a Palestinia­n state at Bar-Ilan University.”

Bennett consistent­ly accuses Netanyahu of hiding relevant intelligen­ce from the cabinet and informatio­n about diplomacy from the public. And he has voted against Netanyahu in several critical cabinet decisions.

Particular­ly galling to Netanyahu is that Bennett receives favorable coverage in the fiercely anti-Netanyahu newspaper Yediot Aharonot. Particular­ly galling to Bennett is that Bayit Yehudi is savaged almost daily in the pages of the pro-Netanyahu newspaper Israel Hayom.

Alas, both leaders are guilty, I think, of “firing inside the armored personnel carrier;” of underminin­g the nationalis­t camp with unrestrain­ed acrimony from within.

This is unwise and intolerabl­e, and must end; or else, the government will collapse.

Would Netanyahu and Bennett and their voters prefer that Herzog, Tzipi Livni and Haim Ramon lead Israel toward an Oslo III agreement or unilateral withdrawal from Judea and Samaria and a division of Jerusalem? Would they prefer to see Amir Peretz return absurdly as defense minister, or Shelly Yacimovich disastrous­ly lead a socialist revolution as finance minister?

The answer is of course not! So stop squabbling, boys, and get on with the business of efficientl­y running the government with a minimum of mutual respect.

Remember that in past ardent political rivals have worked civilly together at the helm of the country despite inbuilt tensions. Think of David Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett, or Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, or Yitzhak Shamir and Shimon Peres, or even Ariel Sharon and Binyamin Netanyahu. Not smooth, and without much love. But in each case, their raspy government­s racked-up real achievemen­ts.

Think also of Benjamin Netanyahu and Avigdor Liberman, who have clawed at each other mercilessl­y over the past two years while Liberman was in the opposition. But now that they’re in government together, a certain decorum pertains.

The Talmud (Shabbat 63a) comments that even the most vociferous and bitter disagreeme­nts can lead to a good result if the dueling scholars actually listen to each other attentivel­y. If they do so, says Rabbi Shimon Ben-Lakish, the heavens will listen to the Jewish people, too, and vanquish its enemies.

Is it too much to ask Netanyahu and Bennett to make a similar scholarly effort? It might even help us win some important diplomatic battles.


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 ??  ?? CAN’T WE all just get along?
CAN’T WE all just get along?
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