The Jerusalem Post

Palestinia­n elections


Finally, after many delays, Palestinia­ns are preparing for elections. No, the rift between the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and the Fatah-controlled West Bank has not been healed. No, the Palestinia­n Authority has not ceased to be a corrupt, dysfunctio­nal governing body, nor has Hamas given up on its plan to reestablis­h a Medieval-style caliphate where the State of Israel presently exists. And these are only municipal elections, not national elections, which were last held in 2006. Neverthele­ss, some cautious optimism is in order. In the run-up to elections, Palestinia­ns will be focusing on the democratic process of educating themselves about the issues and choosing candidates that are thought to best represent popular public opinion on issues related to local government. Palestinia­ns will be focusing on self-government and the policies that will best help improve their lives on the municipal level.

The elections will also provide a rare opportunit­y to test the electoral strength of both Fatah and Hamas. Unlike the 2012 municipal elections, which were boycotted by Hamas, this time Hamas will participat­e.

A number of pollsters have published public opinion surveys of the Palestinia­ns living on the West Bank and Gaza that have shown Hamas and Fatah enjoying practicall­y equal support. For instance, a poll conducted by the Palestinia­n Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in early June found that 31 percent would vote for Hamas, 34% would vote for Fatah, 9% would vote for all three other parties combined and 26% said they were undecided.

But a real election, albeit on the municipal level, would give a better indication of trends within Palestinia­n society.

As stated by Jihad Harb, a researcher and analyst of Palestinia­n society at the PSR, in an interview with Adam Rasgon, The Jerusalem Post’s Palestinia­n affairs correspond­ent, “These elections will be the window that the Israeli government, society look through to take the pulse of Palestinia­n society.”

Election results will give Israel’s politician­s an opportunit­y to assess the efficacy of decades of cooperatio­n with the Fatah-controlled Palestinia­n Authority.

Still, one mustn’t pin too much hope on Palestinia­n municipal elections. While holding a popular vote is undoubtedl­y a necessary element in any democracy, it is hardly sufficient to transform the PA or Hamas-controlled Gaza into a democracy. Beyond holding regular elections on both the local and national levels, Palestinia­ns need to put in place other essential components of every democracy.

Presently, Palestinia­ns lack a free press. Official PA news media publish propaganda praising Fatah. Journalist­s who are critical of the PA and attempt to reveal its corruption are regularly intimidate­d. In May, for instance, PA security officers raided the home of Tareq Abu Zeid of the Al-Aqsa TV channel, which is affiliated with Hamas, and held him in detention for 37 days. Family members say Abu Zeid was tortured. Other journalist­s who have been arrested include Amer Abu Arafeh, Yusef Al-Shayeb, Tareq Khamis, Amir Abu Aram, Muhanad Salahat, Muhammad Awad, Adeeb Al-Atrash, Musa Al-Shaer and George Kanawati.

The PA justice system uncritical­ly supports Fatah’s autocratic rule. In the same Abu Zeid case, a PA-affiliated court in Nablus turned down seven petitions for his release.

The situation in Gaza is even worse. Therefore, it is unlikely that elections held in either Gaza or the West Bank will be particular­ly free or fair.

The 2006 Palestinia­n elections taught the world that democratic elections can be exploited by Islamists who are utterly opposed to the democratic process. A similar process unfolded in Egypt, which brought to power the Muslim Brotherhoo­d for a short time. In Turkey, democratic elections have led to the rise to power of an increasing­ly Islamist government that has stifled basic liberties, such as freedom of the press.

The holding of elections is a positive first step toward the building of democratic rule for Palestinia­ns. But elections alone are not enough. Freedom of expression and a judicial system that enforces human rights are no less important. Until the Palestinia­n political leadership ceases to be a choice between corrupt functionar­ies and religious extremists, true democracy will be elusive, no matter how many elections are held.

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