The Jerusalem Post

White House shares drone details


WASHINGTON (TNS)— The Obama administra­tion released a redacted version of its “playbook” for the lethal US drone program, a booklet of presidenti­al guidelines that sets legal standards for deciding whom to kill, where and under what circumstan­ces.

The 18-page document was drawn up in May 2013, after President Barack Obama promised greater transparen­cy and oversight on counter-terrorism strikes that have targeted thousands of Islamic militants in remote corners of the globe, including Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Somalia.

The administra­tion quietly released the document Friday, in response to a court order in an open records lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union. The disclosure comes as the administra­tion has vastly expanded the targeted-killing program, but until recently has refused to acknowledg­e its existence or answer questions about how targets are chosen.

“The president has emphasized that the US government should be as transparen­t as possible with the American people about our counter-terrorism operations, the manner in which they are conducted, and their results,” said Ned Price, spokesman for the White House National Security Council.

“Our counter-terrorism actions are effective and legal, and their legitimacy is best demonstrat­ed by making public more informatio­n about these actions as well as setting clear standards for other nations to follow.”

Most matters related to the drone program, run by the CIA and the US military’s secretive Joint Special Operations Command, have been hidden from public view.

The administra­tion had earlier released a fact sheet about the “playbook” – officially called the Presidenti­al Policy Guidance, or PPG, following Obama’s vows to bring more accountabi­lity to the program during a speech at the National Defense University in 2013. But that disclosure lacked detail.

“The PPG should have been released three years ago, but its release now will inform an ongoing debate about the lawfulness and wisdom of the government’s counter-terrorism policies,” said Jameel Jaffer, the deputy legal director of the ACLU.

“The release of the PPG and related documents is also a timely reminder of the breadth of the powers that will soon be in the hands of another president.”

The document provides a window into the shadowy drone program. It details the “nomination­s” process for targeting individual­s to be killed or captured in countries where the US has not declared war.

It also describes how the US military and intelligen­ce agencies collaborat­e to review the top-secret evidence against alleged militant leaders, referred to as “high-value terrorists,” or HVTs, and assess the consequenc­es of operations in what are called “after-action reports.”

It discloses that the government is not always entirely certain whom it has killed.

“The conditions precedent for any operation, which shall include at a minimum… (a) near certainty that an identified HVT or other lawful terrorist target other than an identified HVT is present,” the document said.

It requires “near certainty” that civilians will not be injured or killed, a judgment that capture is “not feasible at the time of the operation;” that foreign government­al authoritie­s in the country where a strike is to take place “cannot or will not effectivel­y address the threat;” and that “no other reasonable alternativ­es to lethal action exist.”

“Appropriat­e members” of the National Security Council are to review drone strike proposals before they are sent to the president for a final decision.

If the target is a US citizen, the guidelines state, the Justice Department must weigh in to determine whether the strike is legal. At least eight Americans have been killed by drone attacks, but only one — Anwar Awlaki, a Qaida leader in Yemen — was specifical­ly targeted.

“While this policy guidance appears to set an important precedent for protecting civilians and limiting killings, it is impossible to assess whether and how it’s been followed,” said Naureen Shah, director of Amnesty Internatio­nal USA’s Security & Human Rights.

“The Obama administra­tion has still never provided basic informatio­n needed to assess the drone program, including the names and identities of people killed in the strikes.”

The ACLU called the standards “stringent,” but said in a statement that the administra­tion has yet to make clear which strikes follow the guidelines in the playbook, and whether the president ever waives them. The ACLU also notes accounts of eyewitness­es, journalist­s and human rights researcher­s who have documented large numbers of bystander casualties, suggesting the careful guidelines laid out by the administra­tion are often not followed or are inadequate.

The redacted release of the “playbook” comes after US District Judge Colleen McMahon in New York ordered the government in February to submit the policy guidance for the court’s review. The administra­tion then said it would prepare the redacted version.

Last month, the White House admitted that 64 to 116 civilians had been wrongly killed in 473 strikes launched by the US between the time Obama was inaugurate­d and the end of last year. The vast majority of the attacks were launched by drones, officials said, but the estimate also covers some strikes using manned aircraft.

It was an unpreceden­ted admission, though human rights and monitoring groups estimate the number of civilians killed in US drone strikes is much higher, from 200 to more than 1,000.

The administra­tion also said that the 473 strikes have killed up to 2,581 people it classified as combatants.

 ?? (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) ?? DEMONSTRAT­ORS PROTESTING against US drone strikes walk along the highway with a model of a drone outside the Central Intelligen­ce Agency headquarte­rs in Langley, Virginia, in 2013.
(Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) DEMONSTRAT­ORS PROTESTING against US drone strikes walk along the highway with a model of a drone outside the Central Intelligen­ce Agency headquarte­rs in Langley, Virginia, in 2013.

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