The Jerusalem Post

Spanish court halts boycott in local municipali­ty near Valencia


ACOM, an Israel lobby group working to combat BDS in Spain, successful­ly halted a boycott decision passed by the Municipali­ty of Xeraco near Valencia this week.

Xeraco is a town of some 6,180 inhabitant­s near the large city of Valencia. According to ACOM, in February 2016 the Xeraco City Council voted “not to establish any type of agreement or contract, whether political, institutio­nal, commercial, agricultur­al, educationa­l, cultural, sportive or security-related, with businesses or institutio­ns which did not recognize the Palestinia­n people’s right to self-determinat­ion; to join the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) campaign against Israel, and to distribute the logo ‘Israeli Apartheid-Free Space’ to residents.”

Following interventi­on by ACOM, the Judicial Court No. 10 of Valencia pointed to the imposition of this type of limitation of public contracts as “unjustifie­d restrictio­n of businesses and institutio­ns, and thus in possible violation of the constituti­onal right to equal treatment.”

The motion for the boycott was proposed by Compromis, the party in power, with the support of PSOE-PSV and “Canviar Xeraco” (Change Xeraco), a coalition made up of Podemos, Izquierda Unida, and ERC, extremelef­t and Catalan separatist parties, respective­ly. The centrist-right PP abstained from voting.

Podemos, a rising political party with reported financial ties to the Iranian and Venezuelan regimes, obtained 20% of the last national election vote and 71 seats in the Spanish parliament.

The well-funded party has gained access to public institutio­ns, local government and has also gained control over the city councils of Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, Spain’s three largest cities.

According to ACOM, Podemos has used its presence in local government­s over the last 10 months to promote an aggressive institutio­nal BDS campaign that to date has declared 50 city councils throughout the country “free of Israeli apartheid” – declaratio­ns that continue on a weekly basis.

To date, thanks to ACOM’s legal actions, in 2016 Spanish courts have paralyzed boycotts promoted by eight local city councils.

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