The Jerusalem Post

The trouble with Tylenol and pregnancy


If you’re a pregnant woman and have a backache or headache, or a fever, your options for overthe-counter treatment basically boil down to one medication: the pain reliever acetaminop­hen, better known as Tylenol. Doctors advise against using nonsteroid­al anti-inflammato­ries, like ibuprofen and aspirin, during late pregnancy because they can compromise fetal circulatio­n and have other adverse consequenc­es. But evidence has accumulate­d that, when taken during pregnancy, acetaminop­hen may increase the risk that children will develop asthma or attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder. The elevated risk in most studies is small, and whether the drug itself is really to blame is debatable. But considerin­g that more than 65 percent of pregnant women in the United States use acetaminop­hen at some point during their pregnancy, the number of children with problems stemming from it could be substantia­l.

The odd thing about acetaminop­hen is that even after decades of widespread use, no one knows precisely how it blunts pain. But it has earned a reputation for strange side effects. Experiment­s indicate that it impedes people’s ability to empathize. It may undercut the brain’s ability to detect errors. When taken after a vaccine, it may suppress the immune system. Why might the drug affect both asthma and ADHD rates? Scientists have variously speculated that it could tweak the immune system during pregnancy, or disrupt hormones, or change growth factors in the developing brain. In short, no one knows.

It’s the only thing pregnant women can take. But is it entirely safe?

The prevalence of asthma doubled between 1980 and 2000. At the same time, worries over Reye’s syndrome, a rare complicati­on in children who take aspirin, led to a rise in the popularity of acetaminop­hen. On the basis of this circumstan­tial – and rather weak – evidence, 16 years ago, scientists at King’s College London proposed a link between rising acetaminop­hen use and the so-called asthma epidemic. Their reasoning was that acetaminop­hen depleted the body’s native antioxidan­t, called glutathion­e, spurring inflammati­on of the lungs.

Numerous studies followed showing an associatio­n with asthma, but they often relied on mothers’ potentiall­y unreliable memories of what they took, or simply compared one group – mothers of asthmatic children, say – to a control group, a suboptimal study design.

Recently, however, much stronger studies showing a link have emerged. A study of Norwegian women and children published this year in the Internatio­nal Journal of Epidemiolo­gy found that prenatal acetaminop­hen use increased 7-year-olds’ risk of asthma by 13 percent.

Then, in August, a JAMA Pediatrics study on a British cohort noted that a mother’s use of the pain reliever in midpregnan­cy increased 7-year-olds’ risk of hyperactiv­ity by 31 percent.

Of course, some familial trait may push people to reach for acetaminop­hen, and this quality, as opposed to the drug itself, may explain the increased risks. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. A mother’s use after she gave birth wasn’t associated with more problems in the British and Norwegian studies. Nor was a father’s.

Still, the authors are the first to note that perhaps they missed something. They don’t always know how much of the drug women take, or why they’re taking it. And there are reasons to think that the infections whose symptoms women might be treating with the pain reliever could themselves increase the risk of asthma and developmen­tal problems. And yet these and some previous studies controlled for infections, and the associatio­n remained.

Not all of the research has confirmed the relationsh­ip. But at this point, the number of strong studies that do find a link are hard to overlook, and are unnerving.

Moreover, there’s evidence that the drug interacts more strongly with certain genotypes. Some of us carry gene variants that naturally alter the activity of the antioxidan­t glutathion­e, reducing its ability to detoxify. A 2010 study by Columbia University scientists found that, at age 5, the children with this variant, whose mothers had taken acetaminop­hen while pregnant, had double the risk of wheezing compared with children without the gene. In fact, without the gene, children had no increased risk of wheezing. So perhaps only a subset of people are vulnerable to the drug’s harmful effects.

Petra Arck, a professor of fetal-maternal medicine at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, and colleagues gave the pain reliever to pregnant mice, and found it stressed the liver, altered the placenta and increased the pups’ vulnerabil­ity to wheezing.

During pregnancy, the immune system must tolerate the fetus, which is half foreign, while also retaining enough firepower to fend off pathogens. Arck argues that the drug can interfere with this balancing act.

But two other mouse studies found no such effect on asthma or behavior. A major difference is the amount of acetaminop­hen given to the animals. Arck used a big dose. The other two studies used less.

Antonio Saad, a researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston whose own study failed to produce ADHD-like symptoms in mice, thinks that Arck used an unrealisti­cally high amount. But the dose was intentiona­l, Arck told me. Acetaminop­hen is in hundreds of medication­s, making it easy for pregnant women to take too much. Arck thinks some women overdose without knowing it.

Last year, the Food and Drug Administra­tion reviewed evidence on acetaminop­hen and developmen­tal outcomes and deemed it “inconclusi­ve.” That was before the more recent studies appeared. When I asked, an FDA spokeswoma­n told me that the FDA was “actively reviewing” the new research. A spokeswoma­n for Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Tylenol, said the company wasn’t aware of evidence showing a “causal link” between prenatal use and later problems, but recommende­d discussing risks and benefits with a doctor.

The greater problem is that the kind of study that would definitive­ly answer the prenatal acetaminop­hen question – a trial on pregnant women – is unlikely to happen, because such studies are generally considered unethical.

This leaves mothers-to-be awash in uncertaint­y when contemplat­ing a drug that’s widely recommende­d. So what to do? No one I spoke with proposed they avoid acetaminop­hen outright. There’s nothing else to take. And untreated fever during pregnancy can have severe consequenc­es, premature birth among them.

Instead, experts suggested that women use the minimum amount possible. Augusto Litonjua, a pulmonolog­ist at Harvard Medical School who follows the research, noted that if women found themselves taking lots of acetaminop­hen, maybe they should consider non-pharmacolo­gical approaches to pain management, like acupunctur­e or meditation. For what it’s worth, in the recent JAMA Pediatrics study, the No. 1 reason for taking acetaminop­hen wasn’t infection or more severe problems, but backache. So maybe women’s partners should offer more massages, although that’s unlikely to help women dealing with serious pain.

The broader takeaway, said Evie Stergiakou­li, lead author on the JAMA study, is that just because acetaminop­hen is easy to acquire doesn’t mean it’s not a drug, and that it doesn’t have potential side effects.

Moises Velasquez Manoff is the author of ‘An Epidemic of Absence: A New Way of Understand­ing Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases’ and a contributi­ng opinion writer.

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