The Jerusalem Post

Good for Israel


With regard to “Trump’s incompatib­ility with Israel” (Comment & Features, October 10), Michael Adler’s suggestion that US Republican presidenti­al nominee Donald Trump would not support Israel is typical leftwing libel lacking any factual basis.

Trump is unpredicta­ble, particular­ly with regard to foreign policy. However, he is known to take a straightfo­rward approach to most situations. He will surely decide to support friends and deal harshly with enemies, unlike the current administra­tion, which seems to believe in appeasing enemies and abandoning allies, a policy that Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, would no doubt continue, a policy that at the end of the day, ensures that friends don’t trust you and enemies laugh at you.

Eight years of the subtle Obama approach to the Middle East has resulted in thousands of deaths and millions of innocents driven from their homes, countless rapes and only the most vicious of dictators surviving. With American influence at a nadir, Russia has been able to reestablis­h itself as a major force in the region. If this is the outcome you want, a vote for Clinton will ensure it.

Trump’s pledge to make America great again could well start with a more sensible approach to dealing with Islamic terrorists and other bad actors. This has to be good for Israel. STEPHEN COHEN Ma’aleh Adumim

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