The Jerusalem Post

Truth about Jesus


With regard to “Has Jesus’s final burial place been revealed?” (October 28), Jesus was not buried. The whole point of Christiani­ty is that Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by many witnesses. JANINE MCCAFFREY Toowoomba, Australia

Your news item ignores the likelihood that Jesus never existed.

It was about 300 CE that Paul inaugurate­d Christiani­ty with an imaginary biography of Jesus from three centuries earlier. This suited Emperor Constantin­e, who was looking for a religion he could make official in Rome, with himself at the head. He had failed to persuade the Jewish authoritie­s to accept Rome as the center of religion in place of Jerusalem, but Paul, with a tiny minority of Jews who had converted to Jesus, was happy to agree.

Hence, Rome, instead of Jerusalem, became the headquarte­rs of the new religion, Christiani­ty, which it remains to the present day. HAROLD BOURNE London

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