The Jerusalem Post

NGO: Hamas rocket attacks in 2016 lowest in 11 years

Knife intifada continues but at lower intensity


There were fewer Hamas rocket attacks in 2016 than during the previous 11 years – less than 1% of the 11-year total, according to a Meir Amit Intelligen­ce and Terrorism Center report published Tuesday.

From 2006-2016, there have been 10,412 rocket attacks, an average of 947 per year. The highest number were fired during Israel’s three wars with Gaza: 925 during the 2008-09 war, 845 during the 2012 war and 3,852 during the 2014 war.

Only 15 rockets were fired in 2016 and only 24 in 2015, leaving a total of only 39 rocket attacks since the 2014 Gaza war.

In contrast, in the two years following the 2008-9 war, there were 261 rocket attacks and in the two years following the 2012 war there were 412 attacks. However, in other areas, the report states that “popular terrorism and violence continue in Judea and Samaria, with stabbing attacks, shooting attacks, firebombin­gs and rock throwing.”

It added that “Hamas continues its efforts to establish networks to carry out military-type terrorist attacks,” noting the Shin Bet’s (Israel Security Agency) recent thwarting of a Hamas suicide bombing plot against Haifa and Jerusalem and shooting plots in the West Bank.

The report listed eight “prominent incidents” over the last week of drive-byshooting­s, knife attacks or violent rock throwing, many of which were not reported in the media, though there were also no fatalities in these attacks.

On Saturday, three members of the security forces were wounded when hundreds of Palestinia­ns rioted, threw stones and burned tires during the funeral of a terrorist.

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