The Jerusalem Post

Sessions says he can stand up to Trump

Candidate for attorney-general opposes waterboard­ing, ban on Muslims, favors probe of Clinton


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – US President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for attorney-general, Jeff Sessions, promised on Tuesday to stand up to Trump, his close ally and future boss, saying he would oppose a ban on Muslims entering the country and enforce a law against waterboard­ing even though he voted against the measure.

Questioned for 10-1/2 hours by a Senate committee responsibl­e for confirming his appointmen­t, Sessions, a senator from Alabama, distanced himself from comments he had made defending Trump from criticism over a 2005 video that emerged in October showing Trump boasting about grabbing women’s genitals.

At the time, Sessions told The Weekly Standard magazine he would not characteri­ze the behavior as sexual assault. He later said the comments were taken out of context. Asked on Tuesday whether “grabbing a woman by her genitals without consent is... sexual assault,” he replied: “Clearly, it would be.”

With 10 days to go before Trump takes office, Sessions, 70, was the first cabinet nominee to face questionin­g. He appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Trump’s pick to run the Department of Homeland Security, retired Marine Corps general John Kelly, later went before the Homeland Security Committee.

As attorney-general, Sessions would serve as the top US law enforcemen­t officer and be responsibl­e for giving unbiased legal advice to the president and executive agencies.

With that in mind, lawmakers from both Trump’s Republican Party and the Democratic Party sought to establish how closely Sessions hewed to Trump positions and whether he could put aside his staunchly conservati­ve political positions to enforce laws he may personally oppose.

A senator since 1997, Sessions was widely expected to be confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate.

Protesters accusing Sessions of having a poor record on human rights interrupte­d the Capitol Hill proceeding­s several times.

Sessions said he would not support banning anyone from the United States on the basis of religion and that Trump’s intentions were to restrict people from countries harboring terrorists, not all Muslims. Elected on November 8, Trump at one point campaigned on a proposal to temporaril­y ban Muslims from entering the country.

Sessions said he favored “higher intensity of vetting” for refugees seeking to enter the United States from countries that harbor terrorists but that he would oppose ending the US refugee program.

He also said he would enforce a 2015 law that outlawed waterboard­ing terrorism suspects even if it meant resisting Trump. The senator said he had voted against the law, believing those in high positions in the military and intelligen­ce community should be able to do so.

During the campaign, Trump said waterboard­ing, which simulates drowning and is widely regarded as torture, was an effective technique and vowed to bring it back and make it “a hell of a lot worse.” More recently Trump has said retired Marine Corps general James Mattis, his nominee for secretary of defense, had persuasive­ly argued against it.

Sessions said he would enforce laws upheld by the US Supreme Court, even those he disagreed with, such as decisions making abortion and same-sex marriage legal.

Sessions said the comments he made during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign about Democrat Hillary Clinton’s email practices and charitable foundation would cloud the perception of impartiali­ty if the Justice Department continued investigat­ing Clinton. He said he would recuse himself and favored a special prosecutor to carry out any investigat­ions.

Trump, who defeated Clinton, said during the campaign that if elected, he would ask his attorney-general to appoint a special prosecutor to see that Clinton go to prison for her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state and her relationsh­ip with her family’s charitable foundation.

Sessions said he agreed with Trump in opposing Democratic President Barack Obama’s executive action that granted temporary protection to immigrant children brought to the country illegally by their parents and would not oppose overturnin­g it.

Sessions, representi­ng the deeply conservati­ve Southern state of Alabama, has long opposed legislatio­n that provides a path to citizenshi­p for immigrants. He has also been a close ally of groups seeking to restrict legal immigratio­n by placing limits on visas used by companies to hire foreign workers.

Sessions said he would be more aggressive in investigat­ing and prosecutin­g abuses of the H-1B visa program, which he said allows companies to discrimina­te against American workers by hiring foreigners.

As head of the Justice Department, the attorney-general oversees the immigratio­n court system that decides whether immigrants are deported or granted asylum or some other kind of protection.

Sessions renewed his criticism of the Obama administra­tion for not being tougher on countries that refuse to take back criminal migrants ordered deported from the United States.

A key plank of Trump’s election campaign was his pledge to deport illegal immigrants and build a wall along the US border with Mexico.

Kelly told his hearing a physical barrier on its own is not enough to keep people and drugs from illegally entering the United States. In written testimony, Kelly said that “rapidly processing” and deporting immigrants in “significan­t numbers” would deter future illegal migration.

The US immigratio­n court system has a backlog of over 500,000 cases awaiting a decision on deportatio­n, asylum or some other kind of protection. Many migrants arriving at the US-Mexico border are given a notice to appear in court one to three years in the future.

Before the Judiciary Committee, Sessions several times defended himself against charges of racism. He said allegation­s that he harbored sympathies toward the Ku Klux Klan, a violent white supremacis­t organizati­on, were false.

“I abhor the Klan and what it represents and its hateful ideology,” Sessions said in his opening remarks.

Sessions was denied confirmati­on to a federal judgeship in 1986 after allegation­s emerged that he made racist remarks, including testimony that he called an African-American prosecutor “boy,” an allegation Sessions denied.

Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein said the Senate Judiciary Committee had received letters from 400 civil rights organizati­ons opposing his confirmati­on to the US’s top law-enforcemen­t post.

 ?? (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) ?? SEN. JEFF SESSIONS takes his seat to resume his testimony during a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmati­on hearing in Washington on Monday for his nomination to become US attorney-general.
(Kevin Lamarque/Reuters) SEN. JEFF SESSIONS takes his seat to resume his testimony during a Senate Judiciary Committee confirmati­on hearing in Washington on Monday for his nomination to become US attorney-general.

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