The Jerusalem Post

Could the associatio­n’s vote against anti-Israel boycotts signal the death of political correctnes­s?


In Philadelph­ia last Saturday (January 7, 2017), Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement activists failed by a wide margin in their attempt to hijack the Modern Language Associatio­n (MLA) for an extreme fringe anti-Israel agenda. Only 79 delegate assembly members voted for a resolution to support academic boycotts of the Jewish state, while solid majority of 113 voted against. It was a big blow to BDS at MLA, if not a mortal wound. The coup-de-grace comes in June with ratificati­on by the full MLA membership of another proposal – which passed in the delegate assembly, 101 to 93 – to reject academic and cultural boycotts altogether for the foreseeabl­e future as a tactic at odds with the fundamenta­l purposes of the organizati­on. And what do we learn from this? First, it was a victory for scholarshi­p over political correctnes­s. Second, it was a victory for facts over trendy “post-truth” epistemolo­gy. And third, it signaled the end of “identity liberalism” in American life more broadly, as a new and exciting trend toward affirming Western civilizati­on’s universal values takes hold both in the academy and at large, among citizens equally appalled by alt-right and alt-left cultural relativism.

Political correctnes­s in academia puts knee-jerk support for certain preferred “victim groups” over everything else. The self-righteous politics of selective outrage associated with “p.c.” makes vacuous expression­s of indignatio­n over abstractio­ns like White Privilege, Western Colonialis­m, Neoliberal­ism or Global Capitalism more important than concrete scholarshi­p rooted in reasons and evidence. Where p.c. prevails in the humanities, careful attention to complex works of literary merit worth reading is jettisoned in favor of simplistic moralizing, always harping on the same monotonous litany of concerns. Moreover, instead of learning to tolerate diversity of opinion and embrace ambiguity, ambivalenc­e and uncertaint­y as inherent to the human condition, students are hectored by “activist” teachers into holding a handful of far-left approved positions on “race, class and gender.” That there is more to life, no student thus inoculated against independen­t thought is meant to dream.

So it is important to recognize that BDS as a “movement” on American college campuses feeds off this anti-intellectu­al environmen­t. It aims to make the complicate­d Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict into another one of those “simple” issues with only one “right” (far Left) side to take. Opponents of the MLA anti-Israel resolution who emphasized in debate the narrowness, imprecisio­n and injustice of this Manichean myth, therefore, took a stand against boycotts of Israel by standing, more broadly – in effect if not in intent – against scapegoati­ng of the West in general as the source of all the world’s problems.

Perceived as an “outpost of the West,” Israel came in for criticism by BDS at MLA. By the same token, putting a stop to BDS meant putting the brakes on postcoloni­al theory’s radical-chic opposition to universal Western values basic to liberal democracy. The anti-BDS vote effectivel­y vindicated both academic freedom and academic responsibi­lity, over the pseudo-academic license to indoctrina­te at will. Where p.c. everywhere mau-maus its enemies (those who insist on thinking for themselves), at this year’s MLA a majority of those debating the issue refused to be shouted down into submission by those who wanted to put the organizati­on’s imprimatur on a dishonest slander campaign dedicated to smearing Israel.

It wasn’t President-elect Donald Trump or his voters who invented the idea of the “post-truth” universe in which anything goes and wishing makes it so. That fictional world in which everybody’s preferred “narrative,” all by itself (cut loose from grounding in actual states of affairs), competes to convince the credulous was imagined at places like Yale, Duke and UC Santa Cruz in the 1980s. Postmodern­ist academics anticipate­d that move – from truth to “post-truth” – decades ago, with at-the-time au courant doctrines of “simulation,” “deconstruc­tion,” “discourse” and “social constricti­on of reality.”

Now that these theories are passé in the academy, they’re reappearin­g in practice on Fox News, BuzzFeed and Twitter. Interestin­gly, at a time when both American presidenti­al candidates and BDS activists, such as Steven Salaita, have made names for themselves primarily as twitterers – illustrati­ng the postmodern idea of a mass-media induced “schizophre­nia” at work in a trivialize­d political process – scholars seem to be over this junk. Fortunatel­y – both for Israel and the MLA itself – now that these modish poses have migrated from the classroom to the public sphere, a return to common sense, reason and evidence was all the rage at the scholar’s convention. Perhaps one might even call it a recoil.

For there at the illustriou­s confab, a group of anti-BDS faculty calling themselves, significan­tly, MLA Members for Scholars’ Rights, showed up to debate the BDSniks. They came armed with little more than truthful statements about the Jewish state, the real nature of the anti-Israel activists’ agenda, and a healthy appreciati­on for the authentic purposes of research and teaching in the humanities. And it worked! The majority vote affirmed both that there is no basis in fact for singling out Israel for boycotts and no ethical basis for cultural and academic boycotts period. Thus, the hardcore BDS fanatics were revealed as a marginal group, unrepresen­tative of the organizati­on much less the profession as a whole.

So, is this the end of business as usual for the past 25 years in the humanities, during which time politicall­y correct dogma has crowded out free inquiry, while the task of inculcatin­g settled farleft beliefs about the nature of “liberation” from “oppression” displaced all other issues? Writing in shock and awe after Trump’s dumbfoundi­ng upset victory at the polls in November, Columbia University Professor Mark Lilla mused in an op-ed that perhaps one good thing could come of it, if real liberals – in the broad sense of those who support universal values, like freedom of speech and equality under the law – took stock and reevaluate­d what went wrong. If such people faced up to the fact that “identity liberalism” (as he called it, referring to p.c. identity politics) had failed them, then maybe they (we) could find a way forward to a better future. One in which an outdated radicalism that appeals only to a minority of people no longer drives our American politics into a ditch.

I would say the same about our colleges and universiti­es, in relation to this highly symbolic victory at the MLA. MLA is the largest profession­al organizati­on of its kind, so it is a bellwether. And just as many voters in the presidenti­al election didn’t seem to find outdated identity politics very inspiring (the real “identity” energy had shifted to the far Right, proper home of illiberal cultural relativism anyway), so too at MLA the majority appear tired of beating up on “the West” as the sole item on their list of “Fun Things I Gotta Do Today.”

As a “Western” democracy, Israel comes in for criticism. The standard bearer of a flawed liberal humanism in a region not known for it isn’t perfect – this is true. But as the defender of civilizati­on against barbarism on the front lines of a war with Islamic State, al-Qaida and the totalitari­an ideology they represent, it should come in for praise. While MLA members might not all be quite ready for that, there is hope. As this win over antisemiti­c boycotts demonstrat­es, there is light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

Gabriel Noah Brahm is a Senior Research Fellow at Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) and an Associate Professor of English at Northern Michigan University. Follow him on Twitter @Brahmski.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? A WOMAN wearing a T-shirt that reads ‘Boycott Israel’ takes part in a pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ion in Brussels in 2011.
(Reuters) A WOMAN wearing a T-shirt that reads ‘Boycott Israel’ takes part in a pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ion in Brussels in 2011.

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