The Jerusalem Post

Bennett aims to safeguard children from online bullying


“From the moment a child touches the screen we must also educate them about the dangers,” Education Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday.

He made these remarks at a roundtable discussion on the educationa­l challenges in the era of social networks and on the online security and protection of youth.

According to statistics presented at the meeting, some 30% of Israeli first-graders use a smartphone without any adult supervisio­n.

Bennett said the discussion, which included representa­tives from the Education Ministry as well as experts in the field of online security and protection, was about an issue that is “no less than life-threatenin­g” and focused on “preventing serious mental and sexual harm.”

“Turning a blind eye is not an option and not a work plan,” he said. “This is a national objective and it is time we take responsibi­lity.”

The education minister convened the discussion due to the expanding phenomenon of the inappropri­ate use of smartphone­s and the Internet, especially in surfing for pornograph­y, violence, as well as online bullying, by pupils as young as elementary school age.

Bennett explained that during his visits to schools around the country in his conversati­ons with pupils he was exposed to the online habits of youth and found that many young children were exposed to inappropri­ate content without supervisio­n.

“There is great embarrassm­ent among parents and teachers. The generation of parents and teachers was educated on ‘don’t talk about it,’ and today’s children are inundated with it [sexual content] and this is exactly our educationa­l challenge,” he said.

Bennett said that his ministry intends to take “significan­t steps” to properly address the problem.

As such, Bennett convened the roundtable with the aim of developing a broad educationa­l plan, together with outside experts, to combat the phenomenon among children.

“I call on all parents in Israel – don’t wait and don’t ignore, take an interest and check the content that your children are exposed to. And yes, already from kindergart­en age,” he said.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? NAFTALI BENNETT
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) NAFTALI BENNETT

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