The Jerusalem Post

A new Israeli-American dialogue for the Trump era


As a retired American Foreign Service officer living in Jerusalem for the past 20 years, I have been fascinated by the public discussion taking place in Israel as to what to expect from the new US administra­tion inaugurate­d on January 20. This is especially true having had the honor to be an associate in governor Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidenti­al campaign foreign policy team under the leadership of Dick Allen, then to become the new president’s national security adviser. I therefore know well that electionee­ring rhetoric is one thing, whereas actual implementa­tion through the various new cabinet department­s may be another.

The two government­s, the one in place and the other still in formation, have already begun their dialogue with regard to future dealings between them and the hope and prayer for a truly new relationsh­ip. Still, a few dialogue principles are always relevant: keep political surprises by either side to a bare minimum; think not just what each ally can do for the other, but what both can do together; use the term “radical Islamic terrorism” as often as appropriat­e; reemphasiz­e that Iran, not Islamic State (ISIS), is the world’s major problem, for now. Iran is a sovereign state, ISIS isn’t, and Iran is only eight years or less away from converting nuclear weapons capability into actual deployment with the help of North Korea.

Building on these principles, a number of issues will surely come up as such dialogue advances. The following thoughts have already been circulated privately to government circles and can now be made public:

Iran could easily be branded as an “Evil Empire” just as president Ronald Reagan did with the USSR – about half Iran’s population is not ethnically Persian! Such an informatio­nal offensive would delegitimi­ze the ayatollah state itself, not just the regime. Such an offensive could usefully advocate federalism for all its peoples, a federalism that would allow them all to benefit from the fruits of democracy.

The “problem of Palestine” can best be approached by first accepting the principle that there is no place for two sovereign states in one land. The territory of the Palestinia­n Authority is already a state. The issue rather is what degrees of sovereignt­y it should have, if any.

The new government in Washington, DC, could reaffirm the statement in president Bush’s letter to prime minister Ariel Sharon of April 2004 that “in light of new realities on the ground, including already existing major Israeli population centers, it is unrealisti­c to expect ... a full and complete return to the armistice lines of 1949 .... ” This important letter was crafted to provide Sharon with local political support for total Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Most tellingly, it was totally ignored by the Obama administra­tion from its day one. It is interestin­g that even into the last days of his administra­tion, president Barack Obama continued intentiona­lly to obfuscate the otherwise obvious difference between “increased settlement” and “new settlement­s.”

Any new US presidenti­al letter in this same sense should not use the phrase “contiguous and sovereign” when describing a future Palestinia­n state. Given the further advances in civil engineerin­g technology over the past 13 years since the original Bush letter, the Palestinia­n Arab state, with limited sovereignt­y, need not be territoria­lly contiguous, and yet free access can still be inscribed in any final-status agreement. A model would be the existing access routes between Palestinia­n Arab areas around the major Gush Etzion settlement bloc. A new paradigm for communal peace in one land would thereby come into existence.

Creation of disparate new settlement outposts could be subject to close consultati­on. Possibly, any plan for such new outposts could be asked to show how they would not impinge on Palestinia­n Arab community access through, around, under or over them. Increased Israeli population growth in existing communitie­s in Judea and Samaria should not pose any problem in keeping with the meaning of the original Bush letter and the welfare of both Palestinia­n Jews and Palestinia­n Arabs.

All US and Israeli aid for Palestine Arabs should be linked to bilateral Israeli-Palestinia­n projects; internatio­nal donors should be encouraged to do the same. A major increase in resources should be mobilized to encourage such local bilaterali­sm and economic developmen­t. Together with this new approach, it would also be good for all sides to encourage Israeli private capital investment in Palestine Arab areas for profit and major employment.

Last, but surely not least, a concerted informatio­n campaign should be mounted to explain that moving the US embassy to West Jerusalem only prejudices one thing: the fantasy of Jerusalem’s eventual internatio­nalization. Such long overdue move need not lessen the hope of some for a Palestinia­n Arab state with its capital in east Jerusalem, together with an American embassy there as well. Working together, Israel and America should encourage other embassies to follow suit in a return to Jerusalem.

Treading purposeful­ly and deliberati­vely, the new Trump administra­tion, drawing on the Netanyahu government’s judicious counsel, can cut a new path in its relations with Israel after so many years of failed Obama foreign policies. We should wish the new relationsh­ip with Washington God-speed while rememberin­g the old adage: it’s always best to deal with what is rather than with what isn’t.

The author served several American presidents as a US Foreign Service officer (1966-96) with postings in Egypt, Tunisia and several West African Muslim countries in addition to Washington, DC. He is the founder of a non-profit associatio­n, the non-sectarian Jewish Covenant Alliance, R.A. that struggles against the totalitari­an ideologies of regime evil in the world with website at www.covenantal­

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