The Jerusalem Post

Knesset passes historic bill retroactiv­ely legalizing 4,000 settler homes

Bennett: This is democracy • Herzog: Legislatio­n endangers State of Israel • UN’s Mladenov warns that move violates internatio­nal law


The Knesset late Monday night passed historic legislatio­n hailed by the Right for legalizing some 4,000 settler homes and attacked by the Left as the first step toward de facto annexation.

Its passage by a vote of 60-52 marks the first time that the Knesset has sought to impose Israeli law in Area C of the West Bank, which is under Israeli military and civilian rule. That territory is considered to be outside the Knesset’s purview and such an action could be viewed as an initial applicatio­n of sovereignt­y.

“Our determinat­ion paid off,” a jubilant Bayit Yehudi Party head Naftali Bennett said, as he thanked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Party for supporting the vote.

“To our friends in the opposition who are surprised that a nationalis­t government would pass a bill in favor of the settlement­s – that’s democracy,” he added.

Ahead of the voting, opposition leader MK Isaac Herzog called on the coalition to halt the vote, claiming that its consequenc­es will harm Israel.

“This vote is not about whether we are with or against the settlers, it’s about what the State of Israel needs,” he said. “This government is passing a bill that is an acute danger to the State of Israel,” he continued. “Never in the history of Israel has the Knesset passed a bill against state laws and against the senior legal advisers of the government.

“This legislatio­n is de-facto annexation,” he continued. “Our opposition to the law stems from our opposition to annexation... We have just a few more minutes to stop this terrible train before it leaves here and stops at The Hague.”

Science, Technology and Space Minister Ofir Akunis dismissed claims that the bill advances a bi-national state.

“We will not annex territorie­s with Palestinia­ns. They have their own Palestinia­n rule and they can vote for the Palestinia­n parliament,” he said. “We heard all the claims about the bill contradict­ing internatio­nal law, and that the Supreme Court will overrule it. It is all nonsense.”

Environmen­tal Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin blamed the opposition for mentioning the internatio­nal community and the ICC as reason to object the bill.

“It’s about time that you’ll understand that this is our country. It transcends politics and you and should be ashamed of yourselves,” he said.

The vote took place without Netanyahu, who was still on his way back from London after meeting with Prime Minister Theresa May. Likud MK Bennie Begin voted against the legislatio­n, the only coalition MK to do so.

The bill’s passage ends months of bitter debate over the legislatio­n, both within the right-wing parties and between the coalition and the opposition.

Netanyahu had initially appeared to oppose the legislatio­n, and there was much speculatio­n that he had changed his position due to pressure from Bayit Yehudi.

Earlier in the day, Netanyahu told reporters in London that he would be in the Knesset for the vote, as he dismissed speculatio­n that he wanted to torpedo the legislatio­n.

Just one day earlier, Netanyahu had said he wanted to coordinate the bill’s passage with US President Donald Trump and his new administra­tion, which led to speculatio­n that he would not authorize the legislatio­n until after his February 15 meeting with the president in Washington.

In London, where he met with British Prime Minister Theresa May, the premier said he merely wanted to make sure that there would be no surprises between friends, a problem that plagued his relationsh­ip with former US president Barack Obama. “I said I would act according to our national interests and it is in our best interest not to surprise our friends, certainly not our very good friends. Friends do not surprise each other,” Netanyahu said.

In a veiled reference to reports that Bayit Yehudi had pressured him to support the legislatio­n, which had begun as a private members bill, Netanyahu said, “I am acting responsibl­y and not according to any kind of dictates.”

UN Special Coordinato­r for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov urged Israel to refrain from approving the legislatio­n.

“If adopted into law, it will have far-reaching legal consequenc­es for Israel and greatly diminish the prospects for Arab-Israeli peace. The bill has been deemed unconstitu­tional by the attorney-general of Israel and is in contravent­ion of internatio­nal law. I urge Israeli legislator­s to reconsider this move,” he stressed.

MK Tzipi Livni (Likud) noted that most factions in the coalition opposed the bill and called upon them to have the courage to resist pressure from Bayit Yehudi to pass it.

Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid said the only reason the bill was being advanced was that coalition MKs realized that Netanyahu has been weakened as a result of the ongoing criminal investigat­ions against him, and so they see that now would be a good time to pressure him.

The legislatio­n is set to retroactiv­ely legalize some 4,000 settler homes on private Palestinia­n land and offers to compensate its owners. The intention is to prevent future demolition­s, like the one that occurred last week in the Amona outpost

Approval of the legislatio­n runs counter to almost 40 years of Israeli judicial rulings against the constructi­on of homes on private Palestinia­n property.

Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit has warned that the legislatio­n is unconstitu­tional and would not withstand any legal challenges.

Culture Minister Miri Regev had warned that if the High Court of Justice overruled the law, the government would be justified in taking immediate steps to annex Judea and Samaria. She went on to warn that if the court took that step, it would further inflame tensions.

Left-wing opponents also raised concerns that it would sway the Internatio­nal Criminal Court to rule on the issue of West Bank settlement­s.

Last week, the Knesset House Committee voted in favor of limiting the discussion on the bill in order to prevent filibuster­s by the opposition.

“We, the opposition factions’ members, said again and again that we object to the way the discussion­s are made and that they are not according to the Knesset regulation­s,” said MK Dov Henin (Joint List).

“Never in the Knesset history [did it] happen that such a fundamenta­l debate takes place as if it is something minor, and MKs can decide whether to show up or not. Therefore, all opposition factions decided not to cooperate with this anti-parliament­ary move, especially in a bill whose lawfulness is in doubt,” he added.

The Anti-Defamation League issued a statement late Monday expressing concerns over the legislatio­n.

This law “will be harmful to Israel’s image internatio­nally and could undermine future efforts to achieving a two-state solution,” the statement said. “The bill may also trigger severe internatio­nal legal repercussi­ons.” •

 ?? (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) ?? THE KNESSET plenum sits mostly empty Monday evening at the beginning of the debate over the settlement­s bill.
(Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) THE KNESSET plenum sits mostly empty Monday evening at the beginning of the debate over the settlement­s bill.
 ?? (Reuters) ?? PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu meets with UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson at the Foreign Office in London yesterday.
(Reuters) PRIME MINISTER Benjamin Netanyahu meets with UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson at the Foreign Office in London yesterday.

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