The Jerusalem Post

Outrageous charge


Warren J. Blumenfeld (“Fascism will fail in the US because of ‘We the People,’” Comment & Features, February 2) asks us to accept blindly that we “have long since passed the point where it is merely hyperbole to compare the rise and control of the Nazis... to the rise and possible total take-over of fascism in the US.”

We are left to wonder on what basis he makes this outrageous charge. He refers to US President Donald Trump’s use of so-called alternativ­e facts while the Center and Left are the unquestion­ed truth-tellers. He ignores the many blatant falsehoods used by the non-fascists Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to advance the Left’s agenda.

Obama created the Orwellian concept of “leading from behind.” He characteri­zed Islamic State as “jayvee” (junior varsity), refused to even utter the words “radical Islamic terror” and supported the UN resolution declaring Jewish residence in our historic capital as a flagrant violation of internatio­nal law.

Perhaps Blumenfeld objects to Trump’s desire to rein in the clearly biased news media. The Left acts like Nazi brownshirt­s – arrogating to themselves a monopoly on truth, violently preventing speeches and threatenin­g to burn books by anyone with whom they disagree – while Democratic leaders tell their people to “fight in the streets.”

What of Trump’s use of multiple executive orders allegedly to seize power improperly? Obama issued executive orders with impunity to change laws or legislate out of whole cloth whenever Congress failed to act as he wished. Who are the real fascists in all of this?

Blumenfeld and the Left demonize Trump so they will not have to deal with a reality: Their candidate lost because the great swathe of middle America rejected Clinton’s patronizin­g promises and false descriptio­ns of their well-being, freely choosing another direction.

Most shocking to the Left, Trump is actually keeping his campaign promises. EFRAIM A. COHEN Zichron Ya’acov

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