The Jerusalem Post

A new US ambassador at a critical time

- • By MENACHEM GENACK (Reuters)

President Donald Trump’s nomination of David Friedman for the position of US ambassador to Israel comes at a critical time. The Middle East is in turmoil, but together with the erosion of stability, there are new opportunit­ies.

Iranian expansioni­sm has created the potential for a strategic realignmen­t of the traditiona­l regional allies of the United States into a unified bulwark against their common enemy, Iran. The US is in a position to orchestrat­e this realignmen­t in which Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates join together and present a united front to stymie Iran.

Israel and its Arab neighbors sitting on the same side of the table to address common strategic concerns may well also create a more positive environmen­t for addressing the Israeli-Palestinia­n stalemate.

This realignmen­t would have been unthinkabl­e during the Obama administra­tion, which adopted the misguided policy of ignoring the US’s traditiona­l allies and courting Iran. But in order for Israel to participat­e, it will need to perceive a sense of genuine friendship and backing from Washington, a sense that was sorely lacking during the Obama administra­tion.

David Friedman is uniquely qualified to provide this sense of friendship and backing, and would be an excellent choice as ambassador to Israel. Not only does he possess extraordin­ary intelligen­ce, he also is intimately familiar with the region, speaks Hebrew fluently, is at home with Israeli culture, and is sensitive to Israel’s concerns. While some of his past pronouncem­ents were decidedly intemperat­e, for which he himself has expressed genuine regret, they do not define him as a person, and they should not disqualify him from ably serving as ambassador.

The appointmen­t of Friedman would be a giant step in the direction of capitalizi­ng, for the benefit of both the US and Israel, on the new opportunit­ies for dramatic change presented by the current situation in the Middle East.

Rabbi Menachem Genack, CEO of Orthodox Union Kosher, is the author of Letters to President Clinton: Biblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership.

 ??  ?? DAVID FRIEDMAN at his confirmati­on hearing last month.
DAVID FRIEDMAN at his confirmati­on hearing last month.

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