The Jerusalem Post

How Donald Trump wins by losing

- • By TIM WU Tim Wu, the author of ‘The Attention Merchants: The Epic Struggle to Get Inside Our Heads,’ is a professor at Columbia Law School and a contributi­ng opinion writer.

It is impossible not to watch: Every day of the Trump administra­tion seemingly brings another plot twist, a new initiative, outlandish attack or bizarre reversal. Not since wartime has news been so riveting – and with the president fighting so many “enemies,” it is actually not unlike war coverage. The nonstop media coverage cannot be faulted for being uncritical: It is, instead, a detailed assessment of the wins and losses of a wild presidency. Yet is it possible that the media, and many viewers, are using the wrong metrics of success?

Traditiona­lly, politician­s have measured “success” or “failure” by public approval or the achievemen­t of political goals. But these may be the wrong ways to assess a president who, in his heart, seems interested in a different metric: attention, or less colloquial­ly, “mindshare.” While he may prefer winning to losing, he can still win by losing. For what really matters are the contests themselves – the creation of an absorbing spectacle that dominates headlines,

Donald Trump has waged almost continual warfare against his critics. The result: more people are paying attention to the president than ever “The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous”

grabs audiences and creates a world in which every conversati­on revolves around Trump and his doings. By this standard, Trump is not just winning, but crushing it.

A centerpiec­e is the media strategy of “continual warfare” that has characteri­zed the presidency. Since assuming office, Trump has waged war on intelligen­ce agencies, immigrants from Muslim countries, the federal judiciary, “profession­al protesters,” Barack Obama, Mexico, Australia and, above all, the media, the very “enemy of the people.” Every politician picks fights. But by any traditiona­l measure it would be folly to pick so many fights at once, and those battles have already yielded some spectacula­r defeats that have cheered his opponents. Yet the warfare makes sense in so far as it gives the president what he really wants: a role in which he can fully employ his naturally abrasive energies to generate a riveting spectacle. As George Orwell put it, “The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.”

Beyond the combat, another key to the addictive nature of Trump-news is its unpredicta­ble, erratic nature. A single day might include some random attacks, followed by a surprise policy reversal, like Tuesday’s promised compromise on undocument­ed immigrants, followed immediatel­y by something shockingly normal, like his scripted address to Congress, which, illogicall­y and unexpected­ly, made no reference whatsoever to the earlier proposal. These kinds of random and rambling sequences create what behavioral scientists call a “variable reward schedule,” a key addictive ingredient in things like slot machines, social media and the Kardashian family. You don’t have to like it to get hooked, and the result is to keep the whole country, and much of the world, entranced, as if to a disco tune that has implanted itself in the global consciousn­ess and will not go away. Indeed, a good sign that Trump is winning by his own terms is just how many of your private conversati­ons somehow turn to him, compelled by the irresistib­le force of addictive media.

If Trump is winning the contest for mindshare, the more important question is whether he’s really winning – whether the fixation on attention is an astute assessment of where the real power lies in our times, or just the superficia­l and maybe uncontroll­able pursuit of attention for its own sake. One possibilit­y is that, for this presidency, whether anything is actually “accomplish­ed” will end up being entirely beside the point. One doesn’t ask whether an episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” or a season of “Survivor” accomplish­ed anything. After four (or maybe two, or maybe eight) years of riveting developmen­ts and a blowout finale, the administra­tion will be gone, leaving little in its wake, beyond the memories, occasional cast reunions and “where are they now” columns. The careless execution of some of the early initiative­s supports the idea that this president views the trouble of actually following through as inessentia­l. “Victory” can always be claimed anyhow, especially when facts are just props, deployed for dramatic effect.

But alternativ­ely, and as painful as it may be to admit, the strategy may actually be a winning media strategy in 2017. Outsiders may think that the White House gets all the attention it wants, but even the Executive Office faces tough competitio­n when trying to reach a highly distracted citizenry. Gone are the days where the president could turn to the radio for a fireside chat and expect, as Franklin Roosevelt did, 60 million listeners. President Obama also delivered a weekly radio address – but most radio stations declined to carry it, and online it clocked fewer clicks than some viral cat photos. While Obama’s big televised speeches were widely watched, many of his policy initiative­s were poorly covered, being worthy but not particular­ly newsworthy. Barack Obama was a celebrity, but by contempora­ry media standards, just too well mannered and predictabl­e to grab huge attention.

Trump, to state the obvious, does not have that problem. Indeed, he has demonstrat­ed that he can hold a news conference consisting of little more than shouting at his enemies for an hour and still dominate national headlines. Consequent­ly, the Trump circus – thanks largely to Twitter and intense media coverage – has more of the nation paying more attention to the president than at any time in decades, and maybe since Roosevelt himself. The achievemen­t is even more impressive given that Roosevelt had a built-in advantage: He was battling the Great Depression, then the Third Reich and the Japanese empire. Trump somehow draws similar attention fighting “bad hombres” from Mexico, immigrants from places like Sudan and Somalia and CNN. While Trump’s methods are of our time, the goal of dominating mindshare is a classic strategy of influence, because the sheer volume of messaging allows the leader to transform minds, construct alternativ­e realities and begin changing the rules of the game itself. As the philosophe­r Jacques Ellul wrote of propaganda, to be effective, it needs to be “total,” meaning that as much of the population as possible must be continuous­ly exposed. Though we don’t have a state-run media, we do live in a society in which the president’s face and messages are sufficient­ly omnipresen­t to give Mao or Lenin a run for their money. When is the last time you went a day without seeing the “great leader”? While the strategy – like an annoying advertisem­ent – may be surprising­ly effective, it may also hint at this president’s greatest weakness. If Trump is immune to ordinary defeats or criticism, he does, of course, have a desperate fear of being ignored. As the presidency progresses it may prove as much a slave to the ratings as any TV network. So if the public is bored by the Affordable Care Act (without Obama, there’s no “opponent”), might Trump lose interest and start a new battle somewhere else? Being hitched to the twin necessitie­s of constant warfare and the public’s limited attention span may yield a series of unfinished projects that ultimately amount to little. It also suggests that Trump’s eventual downfall may be less like Richard Nixon’s than Paris Hilton’s. To live by attention is to die by it as well, and he may end up less a victim of political defeat than of waning interest, the final fate of every act.

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