The Jerusalem Post

As US abdicates its role as world’s climate leader, can China take its place?


BEIJING – As recently as 2009, China believed that climate action was a Western conspiracy. The US tried to persuade Beijing to reduce its emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, and China refused. The US, its leaders thought, was simply devising new ways to suppress growth in the developing world.

Since then, the tables have turned. As President Donald Trump rolls back Obama-era climate initiative­s, China is not only accelerati­ng its emissions reduction efforts – it’s pressuring other countries, including the US, to do the same.

The world is beginning to look toward China as a global leader on climate, and to some degree, China has embraced the mission. Yet there are deep questions about whether the country – the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide – has the will, or the ability, to fill a Washington-sized void.

“I don’t think China operates in quite the way the US has,” said Jonathan Pershing, President Barack Obama’s former climate envoy, who now directs the environmen­t program at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in Menlo Park, Calif. “The United States has got a history of being able to stand up and really cajole, and persuade, and push countries to a common view on global issues. Really nobody else does that quite the way we do.”

The Trump administra­tion’s stance on climate change, environmen­tal activists worry, could be the death knell for the Paris agreement, a historic 2015 accord – championed by the US and China – that aims to avert some of the worst effects of global warming and shift economies around the world to cleaner energy sources.

China’s climate advocacy is primarily rooted in domestic priorities, especially cleaning up its noxious air pollution. And the country’s own challenges – its still-extreme air pollution, its bureaucrat­ic rigidity, its relatively inward-looking foreign policy – raise questions about whether China is ready to assume the role of chief internatio­nal cheerleade­r for the agreement.

China’s leaders have “done a pretty good job, as far as we can see from the outside, in living up to the commitment­s that they’ve made,” Pershing said. “And that’s certainly a good signal, but it’s not the same as trying to build a coalition around a larger vision.”

Under Obama, climate action offered a rare opportunit­y for diplomatic progress with China – a way to forge agreements despite friction over human rights, cyberattac­ks, the South China Sea and other areas of conflict. Yet it will not likely loom large in Trump’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the US president’s Mara-Lago resort in Florida this week – their differing viewpoints leave little room for common ground.

Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the existence of human-induced climate change; in 2012, he called it a Chinese “hoax.” He has threatened to “cancel” the Paris agreement, as well as the $2 billion in pledges the Obama administra­tion made to the Green Climate Fund, a financial mechanism that aims to help poor countries deal with climate change.

Last week, he signed an executive order directing the federal government to begin the lengthy and complicate­d process of dismantlin­g Obama’s Clean Power Plan – the landmark federal policy to combat climate change by restrictin­g power plant emissions.

China’s president, meanwhile, defended the Paris agreement in a speech at the Davos World Economic Forum in January. “All signatorie­s should stick to it instead of walking away from it, as this is a responsibi­lity we must assume for future generation­s,” he said.

China has, indeed, become a global center of gravity on climate initiative­s – even for individual US states. “I see Washington declining in influence, but the momentum is being maintained by California and other states aligned with China,” California Gov. Jerry Brown said in an interview last week, hours after Trump’s executive order on climate change.

Brown will travel to China for the Clean Energy Ministeria­l, a regular meeting of energy ministers, in June. “California and China will work together,” he said. “I met with President Xi on more than one occasion, and I will continue doing my best to work with and rouse the world community, whatever the politician­s in Washington do or don’t do.”

China has made tremendous progress on climate change initiative­s in recent years. Its coal use has dropped every year since 2013. Beijing plans to implement a national market for trading greenhouse gas quotas – a “cap-andtrade” scheme – by the end of 2017.

It has also pledged that by 2030, 20% of China’s energy mix will come from non-fossil fuel sources, which will require building about the same amount of clean energy capacity in the next 13 years as the entire size of the US electricit­y grid.

Perenniall­y smoggy Beijing shut its last coal-fired power plant in March.

Yet this is only half the picture. “People are sort of cherry-picking the metrics, in how they’re seeing China’s leadership,” said Angel Hsu, a professor at Yale-NUS College in Singapore who studies China’s environmen­t.

China remains the world’s largest producer of coal, with the fuel comprising nearly two-thirds of its energy mix. In the first five weeks of 2017, Beijing’s average concentrat­ion of PM2.5 – particulat­e matter small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs – was twice as high as the same time last year. Local officials and stateowned enterprise­s in several northern Chinese provinces boosted steel production, one of the country’s most heavily polluting industries, primarily to support factory jobs and avoid social unrest.

Although wind and solar energy projects have sprung up nationwide, many remain unconnecte­d to the national grid, and the energy they produce is often wasted.

Xi’s comments on climate change at Davos, Hsu said, haven’t “trickled down.”

“Even though they’ve done well on capacity side, with wind and solar, there’s more that needs to be done,” Hsu said. “And I think they’re looking to the US for leadership.”

Then there’s China’s lack of leadership abroad. Developing nations are desperate for cheap power, and China’s state-owned companies – looking for alternativ­es in light of tightening environmen­tal regulation­s at home – are happy to help.

China remains the world’s largest exporter of coal-related financing and equipment to other nations; it invested $25 billion in coal projects worldwide between 2007 and 2015, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.

In December 2009, Washington and Beijing found themselves on opposing sides at contentiou­s talks at a climate conference in Copenhagen. Unlike some of their US counterpar­ts, China’s leaders have never denied that climate change is a serious problem.

Yet at the conference, its leaders took a position shared by many developing nations: that the developed world got rich through the use of coal, oil and other fossil fuels, so it should shoulder the burden of shifting the world’s economies to cleaner energy.

The conference, an attempt to reach a global accord to fight climate change, descended into chaos and finger-pointing, and was widely declared a failure. China’s lead climate negotiator, Su Fei, accused the US of trying to “evade their historic responsibi­lities with various excuses.”

But a lot can change within five years, especially in rapidly growing China. And the country’s air pollution – a miasmic haze that sweeps across huge swaths of the country at least every few weeks – proved to be a remarkable catalyst. The pollution is mainly driven by coal combustion, which is also a major producer of carbon dioxide.

In 2013, China’s smog problem hit a tipping point. That winter, Beijing’s air was so filthy – grounding flights, packing respirator­y wards to capacity – that citizens began complainin­g openly, forcing the government to respond.

Chinese leaders also saw an opportunit­y: China could be a major player in new energy, a rapidly growing market worldwide. The country could clean up its skies, and grow richer in the process.

In 2014, Obama and Xi appeared side by side in Beijing to announce an ambitious joint plan to curb their countries’ outputs. Xi pledged that China would stop its emissions from growing by 2030, if not sooner. Obama promised that the US would emit at least 26 percent less carbon dioxide in 2025 than it did in 2005.

At the Paris Climate Change Conference in December 2015, nearly 200 countries adopted the first global agreement to fight climate change by limiting emissions. Without the 2014 deal between China and the US, climate policy experts doubt it would have been possible to persuade many other countries to set targets of their own.

India, responsibl­e for 6 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions, once held a position similar to China’s, blaming Western countries for rampant pollution while arguing that it needed to use fossil fuels to lift hundreds of millions of citizens out of poverty.

But the country, with its drought-plagued agrarian population and long coastline vulnerable to rising sea levels, now has an interest in seeing the Paris agreement survive even without the US

The country has already seen “a remarkable drop” in emissions, said Thiagaraja­n Jayaraman, a professor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, “and that momentum is not going away” with the loss of US leadership. “I think those who hope that China can slip into the shoes of the US in terms of driving climate outcomes at the United Nations, or multilater­al levels, will be disappoint­ed.”

 ?? (Zhang Chenlin/Xinhua/Sipa USA/TNS) ?? CHINA HUANENG GROUP’S Beijing Thermal Power Plant is shown in the Chaoyang District of Beijing, last month. Coal-fired generating units of the power plant were shut down last week, shooting the proportion of electricit­y generated in Beijing by clean...
(Zhang Chenlin/Xinhua/Sipa USA/TNS) CHINA HUANENG GROUP’S Beijing Thermal Power Plant is shown in the Chaoyang District of Beijing, last month. Coal-fired generating units of the power plant were shut down last week, shooting the proportion of electricit­y generated in Beijing by clean...

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