The Jerusalem Post

Bennett: PM probes may lead Bayit Yehudi to quit coalition

Blames Netanyahu for Trump changing his tune on Jerusalem


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government could fall over his three criminal investigat­ions, Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett indicated in an interview Monday night with the new public broadcasti­ng corporatio­n Kan.

Bennett was interviewe­d – on the channel whose formation Netanyahu tried to prevent – by news anchor Geula Even-Sa’ar, whose husband, former interior minister Gideon Sa’ar, sees himself as a future successor to Netanyahu as Likud head and prime minister.

When Even-Sa’ar asked Bennett if he would consider removing his party from the

government because of investigat­ions of the prime minister, Bennett said that would depend on the severity of the charges.

None of Netanyahu’s coalition partners have made such a statement on any of the investigat­ions until now.

Netanyahu is being investigat­ed on allegation­s that he received expensive gifts from internatio­nal billionair­es; colluded with a newspaper owner for better coverage; and enabled the purchase of unnecessar­y and expensive German submarines from a company that employed a confidant and relative of his.

Bennett also continued to criticize Netanyahu’s handling of the administra­tion of US President Donald Trump, saying the government had not “changed its mode” since the previous administra­tion of Barack Obama on issues such as Jerusalem.

Hours earlier, Bennett seemed to blame Netanyahu when he told his Bayit Yehudi faction that in an effort to impress voters during the election campaign, Trump spoke positively about settlement­s and Jerusalem, but has since then changed his mind.

“In his campaign, he more than once praised settlement­s across Israel, spoke about united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignt­y and about transferri­ng the US Embassy to Jerusalem,” Bennett said. “These statements were made for his voters. Since he was elected, a change has occurred in the spirit of his words, and the reasons for the changes are not entirely clear.”

Bennett advised Netanyahu to follow the American business practice of telling the truth and asking for what is wanted.

“The truth is that anyone with a brain knows that the creation of a Palestinia­n state in addition to Gaza isn’t going to happen, and we should say it,” Bennett said. “Jerusalem must remain united under Israeli sovereignt­y only, without being divided geographic­ally or in its sovereignt­y, just like Paris and Washington. If we say this with determinat­ion, they will appreciate us.”

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman criticized Bennett’s approach in a meeting with his Yisrael Beytenu faction.

“It would be fit to [relay opposition to American policies] in proper forums with the prime minister, not in the media,” Liberman said. “The media fight doesn’t strengthen Israel. It doesn’t help our negotiatio­ns with the Palestinia­ns. This administra­tion is friendly. It’s not our first disagreeme­nt with the US. We need to overcome our instincts and handle it respectful­ly, not in the media.”

Other right-wing politician­s also defended Trump and said they had not given up hope that he would be a very pro-Israel president.

“Initiating a regional conference with Saudi Arabia is very important for Israel,” said Minister-Without-Portfolio in the Prime Minister’s Office Ayoub Kara (Likud). “Jerusalem is not as relevant right now, and I believe the US Embassy will be moved.”

Likud MK Oren Hazan said Trump does not yet know who Palestinia­n Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas really is.

“He believes the Palestinia­ns’ lies,” Hazan said. “But I still believe he will be a good president for Israel. I hope he will wake up soon, in time to stop whatever process he might start.”

Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid reiterated the call to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, saying on Monday: “I join the prime minister’s call to the president of the United States to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

“We cannot let threats of disorder affect us,” Lapid said, as he explained that his party came specifical­ly to Ammunition Hill to hold its faction meeting. “Israel and the United States do not determine policy based on threats, but on what is right and what is just. And there is nothing more just – historical­ly and morally – than our connection to Jerusalem.” Joy Bernard contribute­d to this report.

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