The Jerusalem Post

Police investigat­ors may have to take polygraph tests

MK Rosenthal: The idea of sending officers for a polygraph test is intended to hurt their spirit


An initiative headed by Likud MK David Amsalem mandating polygraph tests for all police investigat­ors has provoked backlash from the police, who see the initiative as invasive and unnecessar­y.

Amsalem, who chairs the Knesset Committee on Internal Affairs and Environmen­t, is planning to propose the bill in his committee, Yediot Aharonot first reported on Monday.

The initiative would require all police investigat­ion officers – around 1,600 – to undergo polygraph tests. Police Commission­er Insp.Gen. Roni Alsheich, and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan were originally planning an initiative to implement polygraph tests on officers promoted to senior ranks.

As part of an effort to improve the image of the police and mitigate informatio­n leaking to the media, the polygraph tests for senior officers were meant to deal with issues of sexual assault, relationsh­ips to criminal organizati­ons and police leaks.

The implementa­tion of large scale polygraph tests is an unsettling element in the police force, which sees the initiative as insinuatin­g police investigat­ors as untrustwor­thy.

“It was our initiative for this law we do believe that some of the very high ranking officers should be polygraphe­d, because they have to be above and beyond,” said one police official who spoke on the condition of anonymity, “But we do not think all other officers are candidates for the polygraph because we do believe that they are honest people.”

Alsheich and Erdan proposed the polygraph initiative through Amsalem, because it needs Knesset approval as polygraphs are not permitted for employment purposes.

Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit responded in a letter to Amsalem’s proposal stating that it “deviated significan­tly” from the original proposal, that the AG had approved, to polygraph only senior officers.

“We have to reach a reasonable compromise that will also reduce the risk of leakage of informatio­n from the investigat­ions, but will not impose a burden on the entire organizati­on and create a sense of suspicion toward all its officers,” Erdan told Yediot Aharonot.

In response to the initiative Mickey Rosenthal (Zionist Union) said, “The idea of sending police officers to a polygraph is not intended to clean up the police but to hurt their spirit.”

Rosenthal continued arguing that initiative is connected to the ongoing criminal investigat­ion of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Netanyahu is trying to extricate himself from an indictment using all the means, including a fatal blow to the status of the law and justice system,” he said.

A spokespers­on for Amsalem said that Rosenthal is seeking to weaken the MK’s role in examining the police.

Earlier this month, after Rosenthal claimed that he knew police would recommend to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his office released a statement saying that police may recommend an indictment for self-serving reasons.

“After months of police leaks saying that they’ll recommend an indictment, does anyone think that they’ll have the courage to climb down from the tree and admit there is nothing?” the statement said.

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