The Jerusalem Post

Tehran Mayor Qalibaf quits presidenti­al race, backs hard-liner Raisi


LONDON (Reuters) – Tehran Mayor Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf quit the Iranian presidenti­al race on Monday, backing instead hard-line cleric Ebrahim Raisi in Friday’s vote.

Qalibaf, a former Revolution­ary Guards commander and police chief, was one of the main challenger­s to President Hassan Rouhani who is seeking a second term.

In the last election four years ago, Qalibaf finished second but with just 16.5% of the vote. Rouhani, who pledged to reduce Iran’s internatio­nal isolation and grant more freedoms at home, averted a second round by winning just over 50%t.

This time around, establishm­ent conservati­ve hardliners who want to unseat Rouhani are mainly placing their trust in Ebrahim Raisi, a jurist and Shi’ite cleric who studied with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

They were not happy that the maverick Tehran mayor was standing again and thereby raising the risk of splitting the anti-Rouhani vote.

“I should take an important decision to keep the unity of revolution­ary forces,” Qalibaf said in a statement published in state media. “I ask all my supporters around the country to use all their capacity to help my brother, Mr. Ebrahim Raisi, win the election.”

Raisi and Qalibaf were following the same campaign tactics, criticizin­g Rouhani’s economic record and his policy of detente with the West. Both presidenti­al hopefuls jumped on the Islamic Republic’s unemployme­nt rate, which rose to 12.4% last year, up 1.4% from the previous year.

Raisi and Qalibaf promised to create five to six million jobs in their first term if elected and to triple the monthly cash handouts to Iran’s poor, but drew criticism for not explaining how they would fund such programs.

Rouhani told supporters on Monday he needed a stronger mandate to liberalize Iranian society.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? TEHRAN MAYOR Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.
(Reuters) TEHRAN MAYOR Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf.

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