The Jerusalem Post

Trump decries ‘single greatest witch-hunt’ in history

Justice Dept. names special counsel to probe Russian election interferen­ce


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Donald Trump decried the appointmen­t of a special counsel to lead the Russia probe as “the single greatest witch-hunt” in US history on Thursday, hours after he said he looked forward to a thorough investigat­ion.

In the face of rising pressure from Capitol Hill, the US Justice Department named former FBI director Robert Mueller on Wednesday as special counsel to investigat­e alleged Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 US election and possible collusion between Trump’s campaign and Moscow.

Trump said in a statement on Wednesday night that “a thorough investigat­ion will confirm what we already know – there was no collusion between my campaign and any foreign entity.”

In a pair of Twitter posts on Thursday morning, Trump made clear he was unhappy with the latest developmen­t to roil his four-month-old administra­tion.

“With all of the illegal acts that took place in the Clinton campaign & Obama Administra­tion, there was never a special councel appointed!” Trump wrote, misspellin­g the word counsel as he referred to former president Barack Obama and presidenti­al candidate Hillary Clinton.

“This is the single greatest witchhunt of a politician in American history!”

The comments mirrored a speech by Trump on Wednesday, before Mueller’s appointmen­t was announced, in which he said no politician in history “has been treated worse or more unfairly.”

The decision to move to an independen­t probe came a week after Trump abruptly fired FBI director James Comey, sparking a political firestorm as the agency was in the midst of an investigat­ion into the Russia matter. Trump cited displeasur­e with the Russia probe as a factor in dismissing Comey.

This week, news reports alleged that Trump had previously tried to pressure Comey into backing off inquiries into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The reports, based on a memo Comey wrote after their conversati­on, fueled allegation­s by Democrats that the Republican president may have been trying to obstruct the investigat­ion.

Flynn’s contacts with Russians during the presidenti­al campaign, as well as his work for the Turkish government, are under investigat­ion.

Russia has denied US intelligen­ce agencies’ conclusion that it interfered in the election campaign to try to tilt the vote in Trump’s favor. Trump has long bristled at the notion that Russia played any role in his November election victory, and has denied any collusion between his campaign and Moscow.

US stocks fell on Wednesday as the controvers­y cast a cloud over prospects for Trump and the congressio­nal Republican­s’ policy agenda for issues such as tax reform. A selloff in US stocks looked set to extend into its second day on Thursday.

The appointmen­t of a special counsel to take over the Russia probe was widely praised by Democrats and Trump’s fellow Republican­s.

Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed the special counsel, was due to brief US senators later on Thursday about Comey’s removal.

Republican Representa­tive Charlie Dent said there was no question the Russians meddled in the election. The goal of the special counsel probe, he said, was to determine whether there was collusion between Trump associates and Russia to do so.

“I believe that’s why we’re having this investigat­ion – to find out if in fact there was collusion. I certainly hope there wasn’t any but if there is there are going to be very serious consequenc­es,” Dent told CNN.

Another Republican congressma­n, Carlos Curbelo, said if any wrongdoing was uncovered, “Those people should be held accountabl­e.”

Moments before Trump weighed in on Twitter, Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia welcomed the special counsel investigat­ion and said it was important to get facts in the Russia probe.

“I am not on a witch-hunt. I am on a fact-finding mission,” he said on CNN.

Another Democratic senator, Dick Durbin of Illinois, said he had confidence that Mueller, who is widely respected among US lawmakers, will follow the facts where they lead. “This won’t be a witch-hunt,” he said on CNN.

Durbin said Trump’s actions – including the decision to fire Comey and his “incessant” provocativ­e posts on Twitter – have done more harm than any enemy, real or perceived, could.

“This president has no one to blame but himself for the mess that he’s in,” Durbin said.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP poses for a photograph with graduates of the US Coast Guard Academy on Wednesday.
(Reuters) PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP poses for a photograph with graduates of the US Coast Guard Academy on Wednesday.

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