The Jerusalem Post

Senior national-religious rabbis back cancellati­on of Kotel deal

Municipal chief rabbis from Safed, Petah Tikva, Samaria, prominent yeshiva deans support haredi conversion bill


Several of the country’s most senior national-religious rabbis have written an open letter in support of the controvers­ial decisions to indefinite­ly freeze the Western Wall agreement and advance haredi-backed legislatio­n on conversion.

Among the signatorie­s to the letter, mostly from the conservati­ve wing of the national-religious community, are Chief Rabbi of Safed Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu; Chief Rabbi of Petah Tikva Rabbi Michah Halevi; dean of the Ateret Yerushalay­im Yeshiva Rabbi Shlomo Aviner; and regional chief rabbi of the Samaria district Rabbi Elyakim Levanon.

They addressed their letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, describing his support for the two measures “in the face of growing and heightened pressure from the Reform” as “courageous.”

Netanyahu had strongly backed the Western Wall agreement approved in 2016 by his cabinet, but agreed to all but cancel it last week due to intense pressure from United Torah Judaism and Shas.

The prime minister also allowed a bill proposed by the haredi parties to grant the Chief Rabbinate a total monopoly on conversion­s to be approved for passage to the Knesset last week, but subsequent­ly negotiated a six-month freeze on the legislatio­n in the face of fury from US Jewish leaders and the heads of progressiv­e Jewish movements.

“It is our wish to welcome and strengthen the government of Israel and the person who heads it, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu, for his important decision to preserve the sanctity of the Western Wall and his efforts in strengthen­ing the state conversion system, steps that fortify the Jewish character of the state and protect the unity of the Jewish people,” the rabbis wrote.

They said the Western Wall, together with all other issues of Jewish life and law in Israel, should be conducted under the authority of the Chief Rabbinate in accordance with the founder of that institutio­n Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook.

The centrality of the Chief Rabbinate to Jewish life in the Jewish state for large parts of the national-religious community and its leadership is almost an article of faith despite the fact that the institutio­n is almost entirely in the hands of haredi rabbis who oppose important ideologica­l principles of the national-religious movement.

One particular policy of the mainstream national-religious leadership used to be a commitment to converting en masse the large number of immigrants from the former Soviet Union who came to Israel in the 1990s who were not Jewish according to Jewish law.

Following years of failure to implement policies that would advance this goal, several moderate national-religious rabbis, including the highly respected arbiter of Jewish law Rabbi Nachum Rabinowitz, set up their own independen­t, Orthodox conversion court in 2015 to tackle the issue.

Sunday’s letter reflects the ongoing opposition of conservati­ve leaders from within the community to this new rabbinical conversion court for decentrali­zing a key issue of Jewish life and personal status away from the Chief Rabbinate.

The rabbis are also vociferous­ly opposed to Reform and Conservati­ve influence on religious life in Israel.

Other prominent rabbis who signed the letter included Rabbi Haim Steiner of the Merkaz Harav Yeshiva; Rabbi Haim Gantz, dean of the Tel Aviv Yeshiva; and Rabbi Baruch Wieder, dean of the Hakotel Yeshiva.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? WOMEN OF the Wall members read from the Torah at the Kotel in 2013.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) WOMEN OF the Wall members read from the Torah at the Kotel in 2013.

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