The Jerusalem Post

Gulf deadline to resolve Qatar rift approaches

UAE says Doha could face fresh sanctions over links to terrorism

- • By SYLVIA WESTALL and TOM FINN (Kayhan Ozer/Reuters)

DUBAI/DOHA (Reuters) – Qatar faces possible further sanctions by Arab states that have severed ties with Doha over allegation­s of links to terrorism as a deadline to accept their demands was expected to expire Sunday night.

Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahma­n al-Thani said the demands were made to be rejected, adding that the Arab ultimatum was aimed not at tackling terrorism but at curtailing his country’s sovereignt­y.

But he told reporters in Rome that Doha remained ready to sit down and discuss the grievances raised by its Arab neighbors.

“This list of demands is made to be rejected. It’s not meant to be accepted or... to be negotiated,” said Mohammed.

“The state of Qatar instead of rejecting it as a principle, we are willing to engage in [dialogue], providing the proper conditions for further dialogue.”

He added that no one had the right to issue an ultimatum to a sovereign country.

The feud erupted last month when Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt severed diplomatic and travel ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism and being an ally of regional foe Iran, charges that Doha denies.

The countries have threatened further sanctions against Qatar if it does not comply with their list of 13 demands presented to Doha by Kuwaiti mediators 10 days ago.

The demands include closing a Turkish military base in Qatar and shutting the Al Jazeera pan-Arab television network, which Doha also rejected.

Qatar’s Gulf critics accuse Al Jazeera of being a platform for extremists and an agent of interferen­ce in their affairs. The network has rejected the accusation­s and said it will maintain its editorial independen­ce.

Gulf countries have insisted the demands were non-negotiable.

The UAE ambassador to Russia has said Qatar could face fresh sanctions if it does not comply with the demands.

Gulf states could ask their trading partners to choose between working with them or with Doha, he said in a newspaper interview last week.

They have not specified what further sanctions they could impose on Doha but commercial bankers in the region believe that Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini banks might receive official guidance to pull deposits and interbank loans from Qatar.

A more serious sanction would be to ban investors from holding Qatari assets, but authoritie­s have given no sign of doing this.

Qatar’s stock market fell sharply on Sunday as the Qatari stock index sank as much as 3.1% in thin trade, bringing its losses to 11.9% since June 5, when Saudi and the other countries cut diplomatic and trade ties.

UAE minister of state for foreign affairs Anwar Gargash played down the chances of an escalation, saying “the alternativ­e is not escalation but parting ways,” suggesting Qatar may be forced out of the six-member Gulf Cooperatio­n Council (GCC).

The Western-backed body was formed in 1981 in the wake of Iran’s Islamic Revolution and the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.

Speaking in Washington last week, the Qatari foreign minister said the GCC was set up to guard against external threats.

“When the threat is coming from inside the GCC, there is a suspicion about the sustainabi­lity of the organizati­on,” Mohammed told reporters.

Qataris appeared defiant on Sunday, with newspapers decrying a “siege” and sharing on social media a cartoon of David and Goliath to illustrate Qatar’s struggle with its larger neighbors.

A Qatari artist whose portrait of Qatar’s emir has been draped from skyscraper­s and affixed to car windows across the capital signed t-shirts for Qataris at a museum on Saturday.

“As you see, the photo is now all over. It’s a sign of loyalty to the emir and love for the country,” he said.

Saudi Arabia’s permanent representa­tive to the United Nations, Abdullah bin Yahiya al-Moallemi, said on Twitter that Qatar had failed to take opportunit­ies offered by its neighbors in the past to stop supporting terrorism.

“Qatar had insisted on shaking the security of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and interferin­g in the affairs of countries in the region,” Moallemi said.

The crisis has hit travel, food imports and ratcheted up tensions in the Gulf and sown confusion among businesses, while pushing Qatar closer to Iran and Turkey.

But it has not hit energy exports from Qatar, the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas and home to the region’s biggest US military base.

The rift opened days after US President Donald Trump met Arab leaders in Riyadh and called for unity against regional threats such as Iran and hardline Islamist terrorist groups.

 ??  ?? TURKISH PRESIDENT Tayyip Erdogan meets with Qatari Defense Minister Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Attiyah in Ankara on Saturday.
TURKISH PRESIDENT Tayyip Erdogan meets with Qatari Defense Minister Khalid bin Mohammad Al-Attiyah in Ankara on Saturday.

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