The Jerusalem Post

Different twist


What exactly does the Left hope to gain from its constant denial of the Jewish people’s full historic rights to the Land of Israel? Your July 17 editorial “Preventing an explosion” is a case in point.

You are so obviously in favor of the “share” mantra. I am amazed that you actually think that Jordan’s King Abdullah, who publicly criticized Israel’s decision to close the Temple Mount, should have shown “deference to his alliance with Israel.” What deference? What alliance? They get everything. We get humiliatio­n.

You write: “So far, our prime minister has acted responsibl­y, ignoring calls by some on the Right to change the status quo, and instead working with Israel’s Arab neighbors to prevent additional violence. That policy should continue. Irrational fears and religious fanaticism cannot be allowed to win.” In other words, keep up the groveling and concession­s to the murderers so that those people who have the temerity to stand up for the just rights of our people in our land are subdued.

The fact that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu re-opened the Temple Mount in such a short time speaks volumes as to his commitment to the Muslims, Jordan and US President Donald Trump. But where do we, the Jewish people, fit into all of this? The answer is we do not – and that is where the problem lies.

If you behave like an occupier of Arab land, then expect only condemnati­on. Conversely, behave with faith and pride in being the people that returned to its historic homeland, and the narrative will take on a different twist. EDITH OGNALL Netanya

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