The Jerusalem Post

PM to speak at UN same day as Trump and fly home hours before Rosh Hashana


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to speak to the UN General Assembly on September 19, the same day that US President Donald Trump will make his maiden address to the world body, UN Ambassador Danny Danon said on Wednesday.

Since the date for the address has just been finalized, efforts have not yet begun to arrange a meeting between the two leaders. However, Netanyahu does ordinarily meet the US president when he travels to New York each September to speak to the world body.

If, as is likely, a meeting does take place – either on the sidelines of the UN parley or in Washington beforehand – it would be the third meeting between the two since Trump took office in January.

Netanyahu met Trump in Washington in March, and Trump visited Israel in May.

The opening session of the UN General Assembly where the world’s leaders speak is from September 19-21, causing some scheduling headaches for the Israeli delegation in New York, since Rosh Hashana begins on the evening of September 20. The date of the holiday meant that the only way Netanyahu would be able to address the world body, and still make it back to Israel before the onset of the holiday, would be to speak on Tuesday, September 19, and fly back to Israel that night.

The prime minister is expected to fly to the US a couple of days before the UN event.

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