The Jerusalem Post

Foreign Press Associatio­n petitions High Court over interferen­ce

Citing incidents that took place in Old City last week, FPA claims security forces are hindering journalist­s


In recent weeks, both local and foreign journalist­s in Israel have been prevented from doing their jobs due to being denied access to areas in which news events are taking place.

After publishing a protest statement last month, the Foreign Press Associatio­n this week submitted a petition to the High Court of Justice claiming police and other security forces used violent tactics against journalist­s trying to cover the unrest and its aftermath in Jerusalem’s Old City.

The petition said the FPA is seeking an end to these violent tactics, and wants police guarantees that journalist­s will not be hindered from doing their work and will be able to cover news events “freely, safely and securely.”

According to both local and foreign journalist­s, the rough treatment is not something new. It’s been going on for years with representa­tives of media outlets and journalist associatio­ns protesting to police and other authoritie­s. In return they’ve received promises of no substance. Camera crews and photojourn­alists continue to have their equipment smashed while journalist­s are beaten by police and injured – some seriously. Journalist­s have also been repeatedly barred from entering the Old City, or if permitted, subsequent­ly restricted from approachin­g the Temple Mount and Al Aksa, to which tourists have free access.

Additional­ly, they have suffered both verbal and physical abuse at the hands of security authoritie­s and there has been no reaction from the government.

The FPA regards this as “a shameful performanc­e for a country that boasts that it is the Middle East’s only democracy and claims to be committed to freedom of the press.”

Although the situation has become somewhat calmer and police have now relented and are permitting access, based on past experience the FPA executive is wondering just how long it will be before restrictio­ns are once again imposed.

Though aware the legal battle will be difficult, the FPA is determined that it must go ahead with the case in hopes the court will send out a clear message that violence against journalist­s in a democratic society is unacceptab­le and “blocking access to news events on so-called security grounds should be the exception, not the norm.”

The statement published by the FPA on July 23, deplored the situation created by the security authoritie­s who refused to recognize press cards issued by the Government Press Office. While tourists were permitted to enter and exit the Old City, journalist­s were held for questionin­g. If permitted to enter, they were relegated to positions that were too distant from al-Aksa to enable them to gather any informatio­n of news value or take relevant photograph­s following the terrorist attack on the Temple Mount.

However, any tourist with a smartphone could take photos which they could upload on social media as they had access, while profession­al press photograph­ers could not shoot the same scenes.

The FPA understand­s that security issues may take priority in volatile and high risk situations but fails to understand why journalist­s are denied the same access given to tourists.

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