The Jerusalem Post

Chief rabbi criticizes Jews who visited Mount on Tisha Be’av


Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, in a public message on Tuesday afternoon, said, according to Israel National News, said that on ninth day of Av, the day the Temples were destroyed, “it is imperative to recall that the pilgrimage to the Temple Mount is forbidden by Jewish law. Those Jews who ascend to the Temple Mount desecrate its sanctity.”

By the end of visiting hours that day, some 1,300 Jews had visited the site. On Jerusalem Day, in May, some 900 Jews visited the Temple Mount, setting the previous record.

On Tuesday, at an emergency Executive Committee meeting of the Organizati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n, Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi also criticized the large number of visitors and said more unrest at the Temple Mount was likely.

“The number of extremists who stormed al-Aksa today stands at a record number, greater than any other since the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967,” Safadi told the meeting in Istanbul, which included foreign ministers from 57 countries.

“Many more dangerous crises will erupt as a result of continued Israeli violations if Israel does not uproot the sources of the tension, if the occupation doesn’t end, if east Jerusalem is not independen­t and not the capital of the sovereign Palestinia­n state along the 1967 lines,” Safadi also said.

Tens of thousands also visited the Western Wall throughout the course of the day after thousands gathered at the site on Monday night to read the Book of Lamentatio­ns.

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