The Jerusalem Post

LGBT asylum seekers face ‘intimate questions,’ prejudice in Germany


FRANKFURT (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – After Khadar arrived in Germany from Somalia in December 2014, he waited nearly two years for his asylum interview – the appointmen­t that would decide if he could stay in the country.

Khadar, who is gay, left his hometown of Qoryoley in southern Somalia at age 17 because his life was in danger, he said. Homosexual­ity is outlawed in Somalia, one of a handful of countries where consenting gay sex is punishable by death.

“In Germany, I felt very anxious about what would happen to me,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in Frankfurt. “I didn’t know if I would be deported back to Somalia.”

When Khadar finally sat down to his interview in October 2016, his interprete­r warned him, in Somali: “Don’t say anything bad about Islam.”

Speaking at the headquarte­rs of support group Rainbow Refugees, Khadar, “a proud Muslim”, said the comment made him uncomforta­ble, as if he could not express himself openly.

The youth is one of many LGBT asylum seekers in Germany who have complained about ignorant or intimidati­ng comments made during their asylum interviews.

During these interviews, asylum seekers must talk about why they came to Germany in front of a “decision maker,” who asks the questions and an interprete­r who helps with translatio­n.

While Germany’s parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage in June and last weekend saw one of the world’s biggest gay pride parades in Berlin, prejudice against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgende­r (LGBT) community persists.

As interprete­rs are often hired from refugee communitie­s, they can reflect attitudes from asylum seekers’ home countries – attitudes they came to Germany to escape.

Rights groups blame the problem on a lack of basic training on LGBT rights for decision makers and interprete­rs.

A spokespers­on for Germany’s Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BaMF) said by email: “The interprete­rs are not schooled in asylum-related topics, as their only task is it to translate word by word.”

But the Thomson Reuters Foundation spoke to several gay asylum seekers who felt uncomforta­ble discussing their sexuality in front of their interprete­rs.

In a Berlin café, Mahmoud Hassino, a journalist and activist from Syria, described his experience: “When I told (my interprete­r) that I wanted to include homosexual­ity in my grounds for claiming asylum, he dropped his pen and walked out of the interview.”

Abdullah al-Busaidi, another activist from Oman now living in Saarbrücke­n, near the French border, discovered his interprete­r did not know the word for “gay” in Arabic.

If refugees are made to feel uncomforta­ble during their interview, they might withhold crucial informatio­n about their case – risking rejection and possible deportatio­n, said Knud Wechterste­in, founder of the charity Rainbow Refugees.

“It is my opinion that the low qualificat­ion of interprete­rs is a reason for the high number of wrong decisions made by the BaMF,” he said, adding that nearly half of his clients, 22 people in total, had received deportatio­n orders.

A report published in March by the European Union Agency for Fundamenta­l Rights raised concerns about asylum interviews for LGBT applicants across the bloc. It suggested interprete­rs don’t receive adequate training because they are hired as external contractor­s, not as government staff.

In the report, Germany was singled out for using “unlawful, intimate questions” to test if LGBT asylum seekers were telling the truth.

This was the experience of Javid Nabiyev, an asylum seeker from Azerbaijan.

“My asylum interview was just disgusting,” says Nabiyev, founder of the organizati­on Queer Refugees for Pride.

Despite a 2014 decision by the European Court of Justice ruling that asylum seekers should not be questioned about their sexual activity, Nabiyev says he was asked intimate questions about his sex life, including about sexual positions.

Cara Schwab, project manager at Plus Mannheim, who works with LGBT refugees in the southweste­rn state of Baden-Württember­g, believes better training for all decision makers and interprete­rs is crucial.

“With training, a person can become aware of their own stereotype­s or even homophobia,” she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Special representa­tives or “Sonderbeau­ftragte” who have been trained to deal with LGBT applicants do exist, but Schwab said she had never met one. “When we put in a request, we are usually ignored,” she said.

The federal migration and refugees office, BaMF, said there were 321 special interviewe­rs in Germany, but they are not available for every relevant asylum interview.

“Unfortunat­ely it is not always possible to enable an interview with one of these special decision makers, because it could, for example, result in a much later interview appointmen­t,” a spokespers­on said.

The availabili­ty of specially trained staff appears to vary around the country.

Leipzig-based Queer Refugees Network said it found it easy to contact specially trained staff. “They’re doing good work. They’re sensitive, they listen. We’re happy,” project manager, Sabrina Latz, said by phone.

Khadar, the Somali teenager, has now been granted refugee status. But he says it’s important others like him are able to express themselves freely during their asylum interviews.

“We want someone who doesn’t judge us,” he said.

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