The Jerusalem Post

Concern mounts among Arab rights groups over bid to strip Bishara of citizenshi­p


Arab legislator­s and rights groups are concerned that Interior Minister Arye Deri’s expressed desire to strip the citizenshi­p of fugitive former MK Azmi Bishara will lead to further revocation­s of the citizenshi­p of Israeli Arabs.

They also point with concern to a Haifa District Court ruling last week that stripped the citizenshi­p of Alaa Ziad, a resident of Umm el-Fahm, who was sentenced to 25 years in prison for four attempted murders after carrying out a car ramming and stabbing attack in October 2015.

The ruling marked the first time an Israeli court stripped anyone of citizenshi­p, based on a 2008 amendment to the citizenshi­p law that specifies “breach of loyalty,” which includes the carrying out of a terror attack as cause for cancellati­on of citizenshi­p. The Associatio­n for Civil Rights in Israel and the Arab legal rights group Adalah are appealing the case to the Supreme Court.

Deri was recently quoted by Channel 2 as saying that he hoped stripping Bishara’s citizenshi­p would help deter future spies, and he welcomed the Ziad verdict, saying he was hoping for a similar ruling in the case of Muhammad Mafarje, a Taybeh resident who carried out a 2012 attack in Tel Aviv.

Bishara fled the country in 2007 while being investigat­ed for allegedly providing informatio­n to Hezbollah during the Second Lebanon War. He moved to Qatar and has said he will not return to Israel because he would not receive a fair trial here. In a letter to Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit last month, Deri asked for a legal opinion on whether or not he had the authority to revoke Bishara’s citizenshi­p.

MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint List) said the move against Bishara “is a kind of introducti­on to others. They are starting with Azmi Bishara, but you also saw the decision of taking the citizenshi­p of those involved in terrorist attacks. Maybe later on it will be for expressing a position and idea that the Israeli establishm­ent will call threatenin­g to the security of the state. They might expand it to a situation in which even freedom of expression can be a threat in their opinion.

“We are beginning a new era in which the right wing has passed the line of a right wing and moved into being a threatenin­g power not only against democracy in its liberal meaning but also against essential citizen rights,” she said.

Meanwhile, Likud MK Anat Berko said stripping Bishara of his citizenshi­p was long overdue and called for “more massive use” of cancellati­on of citizenshi­p, adding that there are tens of cases in which it should be carried out.

“Whoever acts against the state that is good to them has no reason to remain an Israeli citizen,” she said. “You have to cancel the citizenshi­p of those who join up with the enemies of Israel. There is no reason to give up on this, just nullify it.”

Israeli Arabs who travel abroad to join ISIS should lose their citizenshi­p not only as a deterrent but also because they pose “a threat to public safety,” she added.

Regarding Bishara, she said “there is no reason not to cancel his citizenshi­p. This is a person who helped terror organizati­ons, lives in Qatar and is unwilling to be tried, and who continues with his political subversion from Qatar.

“He won’t come back here, but canceling his citizenshi­p has declarativ­e meaning. It’s a deterrent statement to those who would follow in his footsteps,” she said.

Berko said it is fitting that only Arabs and not Jews have their citizenshi­p stripped because “Jewish Israelis don’t need to be deterred. All of them came out against the despicable murder of [16-yearold Muhammad] Abu Khdeir [in 2014 by Jewish zealots]. Attacks and murder in most cases are done by Arabs and if they are done by Jews they are rejected.”

Adalah attorney Sawsan Zaher said that the Supreme Court rejected a 1996 petition to have the citizenshi­p of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin, Yigal Amir, revoked on the grounds that he had already been punished in the criminal proceeding­s. The same should hold true for Ziad, she said.

Of Bishara possibly losing his citizenshi­p, she said: “It’s clear this is a revenge issue. He hasn’t been convicted or indicted. There is only suspicion. It’s clear it’s only to gain political profit in a climate where stripping Palestinia­n citizens of their rights has heroic connotatio­ns.

“We are very concerned about a dangerous slippery slope that we have seen of late,” said Zaher, adding that there are four or five other cases where the attorney-general has already provided consent to requests by Deri to revoke citizenshi­p. “We won’t be surprised if the number rises.”

Deri’s spokesman could not be reached for comment at press time.

 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? INTERIOR MINISTER Arye Deri recently said he hoped that stripping fugitive former MK Azmi Bishara of his citizenshi­p would help deter future spies.
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) INTERIOR MINISTER Arye Deri recently said he hoped that stripping fugitive former MK Azmi Bishara of his citizenshi­p would help deter future spies.
 ?? (Reuters) ?? AZMI BISHARA

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