The Jerusalem Post

Arab bloc won’t discrimina­te against US firms in Qatar rift


Four Arab countries that imposed sanctions on Qatar have told the United States that its companies doing business with them would not be punished for also working with Doha, sources said.

Foreign firms have become increasing­ly cautious in their cross border dealings over concerns they could fall foul of the region’s biggest diplomatic crisis in years.

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain sent a letter to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in July reassuring him that US companies would not be discrimina­ted against as part of the boycott, according to sources with knowledge of the letter.

The European Union was given similar “official... verbal assurances” by the UAE, the EU Delegation to the UAE told Reuters.

In the letter to Tillerson, the four countries said they valued and intended to maintain their relationsh­ips with US companies and those ties would not be affected by the boycott, according to a source who’s seen the letter.

The US Embassy in Abu Dhabi declined to comment on the letter. The four Arab states did not immediatel­y respond to Reuters questions on the letter.

Tillerson made a four-day visit to the region in July where he met both sides of the dispute and made proposals to help end the crisis.

The four Arab countries cut diplomatic and trade links with Qatar on June 5, suspending air and shipping routes with the world’s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas and the home to the region’s biggest US military base.

Anwar Gargash, UAE Minister for Foreign Affairs, said on July 17 that the UAE would not ask foreign companies to choose between doing business with it or Qatar.

This followed comments from UAE Ambassador to Russia Omar Ghobash, to Britain’s Guardian newspaper on June 28 that companies could be made to choose as part of a new round of sanctions on Qatar.

Top US companies have large investment­s in countries on both sides of the dispute and there are big contracts to be won in wealthy Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar.

Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, signed business deals worth tens of billions of dollars with US companies during President Donald Trump’s visit to Riyadh in May.

State-owned airlines in the UAE and Qatar are leading customers of US plane maker Boeing, while Doha which will host the 2022 World Cup, is seeking partners to take part in a huge expansion of its gas production.

Some companies have taken steps to restructur­e their Middle East operations so that Qatar no longer reports to their regional headquarte­rs, often located in Dubai, in a bid to avoid any conflict.

One of the sources said there have been no known incidents of a US company being discrimina­ted against by the four Arab countries because of the dispute with Qatar.

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