The Jerusalem Post

From Left and Right

The ADL explains its take on antisemiti­sm under Trump


Last weekend, The Jerusalem Post featured two op-eds attacking the Anti-Defamation League and its CEO and national director Jonathan Greenblatt, for allegedly turning to the Left. The reality is these two long-time critics, contributo­rs Caroline Glick and Isi Leibler, and their ilk suffer from two maladies: They are selective in citing informatio­n about what ADL says and does and they see any criticism of the Right, including of President Trump’s legitimiza­tions of white supremacis­ts, as illegitima­te and a sign of left-wing bias.

In the case of their selective approach to the ADL’s actions, they convenient­ly ignore ADL’s continuing record in sticking to its historic role as a principled and nonpartisa­n organizati­on standing up to bigots and bullies, to extremists and radicals, and always calling out antisemiti­sm and hate regardless of the source.

Still, it is important to get the facts straight, and here are just a few examples. We have strongly condemned antisemiti­sm and the delegitimi­zation of Israel from the Left, including renouncing the Movement for Black Lives platform for charging Israel with “genocide” among other crimes.

We denounced the Chicago Dyke March for barring a flag with the Star of David and their condemnati­on of Zionism. We harshly rejected the Jewish Voice for Peace for siding with hate-leader Richard Spencer in comparing White Supremacy to Zionism.

We have publicly condemned Linda Sarsour’s offensive and problemati­c views on Israel, her support for BDS, and her dissociati­ng Zionism and feminism. Her claim that one cannot simultaneo­usly be a Zionist and a feminist is deeply offensive, as our Israel director Carole Nuriel pointed out.

In fact, under Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL has made fighting the delegitimi­zation of Israel as one of its key strategic priorities. Jonathan Greenblatt repeatedly has emphasized the battle against BDS as the front line of this struggle.

The entire leadership of the ADL believes that BDS is a form of antisemiti­sm that must be countered aggressive­ly. Under Greenblatt’s leadership, the ADL is devoting more resources than at any previous point in its history to this issue.

The ADL continues to call out antisemiti­sm wherever it comes from – be it last week’s white supremacis­ts hate-fest in Charlottes­ville or the two California racist imams.

And let’s not forget that, in his first week as the head of the ADL, Greenblatt publicly came out against the Iran deal, a key priority of the Obama administra­tion that put the ADL at odds with the White House and almost the entire Democratic leadership in Congress.

It stretches the imaginatio­n to consider how criticizin­g a Democratic president and the Democratic Party could be seen as the handiwork of an operative of the Democratic Party. This is not to mention Greenblatt calling out problemati­c comments about Israel by Rep. Keith Ellison, who was then running for the leadership of the Democratic National Committee.

So the better question is not why the ADL is not speaking out about problems from the Left, which, as I have shown, we surely have, but why our critics from the Right refuse to address the very real problems that come from the Right.

Charlottes­ville is the latest and one of the most egregious examples of this phenomenon. It is a clear case of racial hatred and antisemiti­sm which demanded unequivoca­l moral leadership from President Donald Trump, who – unlike his predecesso­rs from both parties – not only failed in the moment, but provided succor for white supremacis­t groups.

Yet some on the Right, including supporters of Israel, rationaliz­ed his behavior. This poses a larger issue which some on the Right have to ponder: Does support for Israel excuse bigotry and antisemiti­sm?

In the ADL’s view, it is immoral and ultimately self-defeating not to stand up against hatred when it comes from individual­s who may be or may claim to be pro-Israel. During the campaign, Trump engaged in stereotypi­ng of different groups, not focusing on Jews, but in the end this emboldened antisemite­s.

We have seen the results: a significan­t rise in antisemiti­c incidents and a new empowermen­t of white supremacis­ts and neo-Nazis. At Charlottes­ville, we heard chants of torch bearing antisemite­s saying “Jews will not replace us” that conjure up memories of an evil past.

Whether the president turns out to be a great friend of Israel is still to be determined. Even if he is, he has set loose forces that are immoral, bad for America, bad for the world and bad for the Jewish people.

If there’s any soul-searching to be done, it should be by those who wish away troubling developmen­ts like this on the grounds that Trump is good for Israel. Fortunatel­y, we saw a large number of individual­s on the Right condemning Charlottes­ville and the president’s dealing with it no matter his views on Israel.

There are real problems for Jews and others from both the Right and the Left. Glick, Liebler and their friends can cherry-pick what they want from the ADL’s record and blind themselves to immorality and hate currently running through our country’s veins. The ADL’s eyes are wide open to this danger and we remain firmly committed to doing our job and calling out antisemiti­sm and hate as we see it. The writer is the ADL deputy national director.

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 ?? (Reuters) ?? A ROW of more than 170 toppled Jewish headstones is seen after a weekend vandalism attack on Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in University City, a suburb of St Louis, Missouri, in February.
(Reuters) A ROW of more than 170 toppled Jewish headstones is seen after a weekend vandalism attack on Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in University City, a suburb of St Louis, Missouri, in February.

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