The Jerusalem Post

Quite depressing


Shas leader Arye Deri has it all wrong (“Deri: Tzohar is borderline Reform,” August 22). He is guilty of obfuscatio­n, misreprese­ntation and outright falsehood. If any group is borderline Reform, it is the latter-day saintly rabbis who support Shas.

These rabbis are guilty of making rules that do not exist in the dual Torah canon. They are the same rabbis who claim divinely-given insights not available to lesser Jews. Sadly, they are charlatans. They

If ever there were a chutzpah award, it should go to Arye Deri. If anyone should show some sort of restraint in his remarks, it’s Deri – considerin­g his “glorious” past.

If Tzohar exists, it’s thanks to the dysfunctio­nal Chief Rabbinate and the country’s haredim. Deri, as usual, is on the wrong side of history.

Shas has produced a high number of corrupt lawmakers and other officials. At the very least, Deri could refrain from further splitting of the Jewish people. I recommend a careful reading of this week’s Torah portion, which describes best the sins of corruption, both physical and – all the more – moral.

It is hoped that one day, Deri’s constituen­ts will wake up and see the truth. HENRY WEIL


Liberal US journalist Jake Tapper says something critical of Palestinia­n-American and far-left activist Linda Sarsour and she promptly brands him a member of the alt-right. Steve Bannon refers to White House staffers who do not align themselves with his narrow worldview as “fake Republican­s” and “secret Democrats,” as if

It might sound strange coming from a practicing non-haredi Orthodox Jew, but I am so relieved that the High Court of Justice has stepped in to adjudicate the Western Wall imbroglio (“Chief Rabbinate contests High Court jurisdicti­on over Western Wall prayer,” August 22).

If truth-in-advertisin­g laws applied to the Chief Rabbinate, it would be renamed the “Chief Rabbinate of the Haredim,” since that is the only group of Jews it recognizes as “real” Jews.

It is quite depressing to observe those purporting to be ultra-Orthodox not displaying any of the ethical standards that we as Jews must uphold, to wit: “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” “Every Jew is responsibl­e for every other Jew” and other directives. MICHAEL D. HIRSCH

Tzur Yigal

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