The Jerusalem Post

Fund the Temple Mount Sifting Project now

- • By DAVID M. WEINBERG (Reuters)

One of the most important archeologi­cal projects in the Land of Israel of our times – the Temple Mount Sifting Project – has run out of money and been temporaril­y shut down. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government should move quickly to fund the project until completion.

The pioneering project began when in 1999 the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement and the Wakf Islamic trust violently, unilateral­ly and illegally plowed with heavy machinery into the ground below al-Aksa to turn “Solomon’s Stables” into a vast undergroun­d mosque.

Without any scientific supervisio­n whatsoever, they bulldozed 9,000 tons of the most sensitive and valuable dirt on the globe and unceremoni­ously dumped close to 400 truckloads of it all as “garbage” in the Kidron Valley. I have no doubt the Islamists were seeking not only to expand their prayer space but to purposeful­ly destroy any traces of Jewish history on and under the Mount.

In a bold move, archeologi­sts Prof. Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Dvira of Bar-Ilan University waded into the dump, and in 2004 they started sifting it. Their initiative became the Temple Mount Sifting Project, with the goal of rescuing ancient artifacts and conducting research to enhance understand­ing of the archeology and history of the Temple Mount.

Over the past 12 years, it has grown into a project of internatio­nal significan­ce. With the help of nearly 200,000 volunteers, half a million valuable finds have been discovered from the First and Second Temple periods, late Roman, Byzantine, Crusader and Islamic periods, and Middle Ages.

This includes fragments of pottery, glass vessels, metal objects, bones, stones, jewelry, 6,000 ancient coins, arrowheads and other weaponry, weights, items of clothing, game pieces and dice, and furniture decoration­s; as well as fragments of elaborate architectu­ral structures such as pillars, mosaic floors, frescos and wall tiles, etc.

This constitute­s the first-ever archeologi­cal data originatin­g from below the Temple Mount’s surface. Though the artifacts have been wrenched from their archeologi­cal context (again, nefariousl­y so, by the Muslims), the Project has used innovative methodolog­y and survey techniques such as wet-sifting, comparativ­e site analysis, clustering and data mining to analyze the out-of-context finds and to secure publicatio­n of the research in the top global scientific journals. All this has transforme­d our understand­ing of the history of the Temple Mount.

Among the amazing finds are a seal from a biblically known First Temple priestly family; a Second Temple silver half-shekel coin that depicts a chalice from the Temple topped by the letter alef and a three pomegranat­es surrounded by the words “Jerusalem the Holy”; a coin with the phrase “For the Freedom of Zion” from the Great Revolt against the Romans that preceded the destructio­n of the Second Temple; and Temple floor tiles that the project has painstakin­gly pieced together (using architectu­ral computer technology) to reveal richly geometric Roman-era mosaic paving patterns.

To date, about 70% of the debris removed from the Mount has been sifted. The project needs NIS 8 million over the next four years to resume sifting of the remaining 30% of the debris, and to continue scientific research and publicatio­n efforts. Until now, for 12 long years, private donations and the Elad/Ir David Associatio­n have funded the project. Now it is time for the government to back the project generously.

Last December, Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed warm support for the project. In addition, Ministers Ze’ev Elkin and Miri Regev have announced establishm­ent of a Temple Mount Heritage Foundation which would logically be a strong backer of the sifting project – but no funding has been forthcomin­g. The Antiquitie­s Authority is still deliberati­ng the matter.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project’s indefatiga­ble leader, Prof. Gabi Barkay, says that there is a sad double irony about the current situation. First, this project is more important than ever in the face of ramped-up Palestinia­n “Temple denial” – the claim heard increasing­ly from Mahmoud Abbas and Islamic leaders that there is no Jewish history in Jerusalem and no temples ever existed on the Temple Mount. The Palestinia­n even secured a UNESCO resolution last year confirming such denialism.

Second, Israeli government leaders and pro-Israel advocates everywhere today point proudly to the finds of the sifting project as proof both of the Jewish people’s roots in Jerusalem and of the loving care with which Israel treats sacred sites in Zion – and rightfully so. Yet when the young archeologi­cal student Zachi Dvira (Zweig) began to single-handedly survey the dumped relics in the Kidron Valley back in 1999, on his initiative, he was arrested and charged by Israeli authoritie­s for “unauthoriz­ed excavation.” (No such charges were ever lodged against the Wakf!)

Only years of determined lobbying and overcoming bureaucrac­y by Barkay and Dvira, and their brilliant decision to make the massive sifting effort a large educationa­l and tourism project, has somewhat salvaged the situation. They turned the Wakf’s criminal dump – a national disgrace – into a national treasure.

The Temple Mount Sifting Project should be given priority government funding, very soon. It’s the least the government can do as penance for its long-standing malfeasanc­e in countering Palestinia­n-Islamic aggression against Jewish history in Jerusalem and Israeli sovereignt­y on the Temple Mount.


 ??  ?? AN ANCIENT seal found in the City of David in 2011.
AN ANCIENT seal found in the City of David in 2011.
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