The Jerusalem Post

Trump debates decertific­ation approach to Iran deal


NEW YORK – The last time Congress was forced to debate the merits of a nuclear deal brokered between Iran and internatio­nal powers, a bipartisan majority with Republican and Democratic leadership voted against it. But the debate was legislativ­ely structured to allow lawmakers to vote against the deal without much consequenc­e. The next debate will offer them no such reprieve.

Several administra­tion officials told The Jerusalem Post that US President Donald Trump is leaning towards a strategy of decertifyi­ng Iran’s compliance with the nuclear accord next month under terms outlined by US law – not under those codified by the UN Security Council, or by the agreement itself. The move would rattle an internatio­nal consensus around the nuclear accord, and launch a new battle in Congress over whether to

re-implement a broad, layered sanctions regime on Iran, while technicall­y keeping the US within the agreement until such sanctions are reimposed.

It’s a Goldilocks option for the White House, which vociferous­ly disapprove­s of the Obama-era nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action, while instinctua­l understand­ing the extensive consequenc­es of scrapping it wholesale. Decertific­ation would provide the president with a bold option without all of the blame associated with unilateral­ly ending the agreement.

“We should welcome a debate over whether the JCPOA is in US national security interests,” Trump’s envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, told the American Enterprise Institute earlier this month, referring to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 written by Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tennessee) and Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland). “The previous administra­tion set up the deal in a way that denied us that honest and serious debate.”

That 2015 bill required 60 senators to vote against the deal in order to kill it. Ultimately, 42 Democratic senators filibuster­ed the resolution of disapprova­l, thus allowing its survival.

“Congress could take the opportunit­y to debate Iran’s support for terrorism, its past nuclear activity, and its massive human rights violations, all of which are called for in Corker-Cardin,” Haley continued. Under the law, should Trump “decertify” Iranian compliance, “Congress then has 60 days to consider whether to re-impose sanctions on Iran.

Congress could debate whether the nuclear deal is in fact too big to fail.”

The European Union, France, Britain and Germany – all of which were party to the nuclear talks – are warning the Trump administra­tion against this path, knowing their task will be harder once debate opens up to the entire Congress. Ambassador­s from these nations warn they will not take part in any renegotiat­ion.

But as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered his meeting with Trump on Monday in New York, his team made clear their priorities and expectatio­ns: “Israel hopes that the coming weeks will bring about a dramatic change in the trajectory of that deal that will ultimately either fix it or cancel it,” Israel’s ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, told guests at his annual Rosh Hashana gathering last week. Privately, Israeli officials highly anticipate what October has in store.

Decertific­ation would prompt a debate among congressio­nal leadership over what sort of bill to put forth in response – one that would put Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-New York) in a bind, given he voted against the JCPOA in 2015.

“The prospects for a bill which reinstates the sanctions as they were pre-JCPOA are much greater if such a bill includes presidenti­al waiver authority,” said Patrick Clawson, an expert on Iran and director of research at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, “especially if there are quiet reassuranc­es from the administra­tion that they will invoke that authority if the Europeans scream.”

Danielle Pletka, the vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at AEI who interviewe­d Haley during her appearance at the think tank, said she expected Congress might reapply “secondary sanctions” on Iran upon decertific­ation – powerful leveraging tools that target non-US entities engaging in sanctioned activities. But any new sanctions legislatio­n would risk killing the nuclear accord, and thus an Iranian bolt to the bomb. Iranian officials point to a provision in the JCPOA that commits Washington to abstain from reimposing old, nuclear-related sanctions.

The US must “refrain from any policy specifical­ly intended to directly and adversely affect the normalizat­ion of trade and economic relations with Iran inconsiste­nt with their commitment­s not to undermine the successful implementa­tion of [the] JCPOA,” the agreement reads.

An anonymousl­y-written white paper floating around Capitol Hill and obtained by The Jerusalem Post reveals congressio­nal support for this strategy, with caveats.

“Iran’s refusal to allow inspection­s at key military sites makes it impossible to fully verify Iranian compliance with the JCPOA. The regime’s accelerati­ng ballistic missile program violates the JCPOA’s related agreements and, given the proliferat­ion nexus between Iran and North Korea, poses a clear and present danger to US national security,” the document reads.

“If President Trump opts to ‘re-certify’ Iran under the IRNA, the Iranians will feel emboldened to double down on their illicit activities, viewing the president as weak and full of empty bluster,” it continues. “Rogue leaders around the world, including in Pyongyang, will take note – something for which no amount of symbolic sanctions imposed on a few companies or individual­s can compensate.”

The paper notes, as Haley did, that decertific­ation would allow the US to remain a party to the 2015 agreement. But it questions then what power decertific­ation would have, without congressio­nal action.

“If the president merely ‘decertifie­s’ Iran under IRNA and punts to Congress without any plan for additional executive action, the president could look impotent on one of the most important national security threats facing the nation and America would be sending a signal of weakness,” it asserts. “Iran must believe President Trump has the ability and political will to impose a de facto global economic embargo within hours by re-imposing all sanctions lifted under the JCPOA.”

The document, circulatin­g both among both Democratic and Republican congressio­nal offices, notes in its conclusion that Trump faces a challenge building consensus amongst his national security advisers – and in securing the support of those who fear the unknown should he walk down this path. •

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