The Jerusalem Post

Enough is enough


Dov Lipman’s “Enough is enough” (Observatio­ns, October 20) is full of hate and vengeance, which does not befit a public figure who served in the Knesset. I do not like what the Jerusalem haredim are doing, but would Mr. Lipman dare attack the handicappe­d people who are doing exactly the same thing, blocking the roads?

He talks about equality in the eyes of the law. Both groups are doing the same thing: breaking the law. Should we throw them in jail for at least six months and punish their leaders?

The state cannot act like a mob even if it is facing one. YEHUDA GROSS

Beit Shemesh

As I read Dov Lipman’s “Enough is enough,” I found myself involuntar­ily nodding my head in agreement.

Never have more reasonable, just words been written. It is to be hoped that they won’t fall on deaf ears. ALISON BELGRAD-SPEKTERMAN

Kiryat Bialik

Dov Lipman left out one element that should be relevant to all citizens, especially those with a haredi lifestyle.

In Parashat Shoftim, it is a mitzva to appoint shotrim (police). They are part of God’s outline for how we are meant to conduct our civil society, and this certainly applies to us in Israel today.

So when any citizens, including haredim, disobey the police or other authoritie­s who function to protect us and run our society in a civil manner, and when these authoritie­s are even just verbally abused, the demonstrat­ors are breaking a mitzva. Their leaders who encourage them are equally guilty. DAVID AMINOFF


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