The Jerusalem Post

Views of Trump


When the swamp stinks of a specific odor left from eight disastrous years of rule by an administra­tion that for the first time in US history promoted and led an anti-American agenda, it should and must be drained. It should be drained as quickly as possible so as not to infect and contaminat­e the salutary waters of the great American nation’s freedom.

Ex-president Barack Obama was neither a liberal nor a democrat – he knew only how to exploit the artfully liberal feelings of Americans to promote an agenda that wasn’t American at all.

President Donald Trump, please make America great, Godly and American again! Drain the muddy swamp so that the blind leaders of the blind won’t drown the nation! May the Lord bless you in fulfilling this mission! PETER ROTBERG Ramle

During a bereavemen­t call to the widow of a soldier killed in Niger, President Donald Trump said: “He knew what he was getting into.” He was simply saying: “Don’t blame me.” It was cowardly, which is why our president said it.

It also says: “Blame your son for your sorrow,” a brutal statement, which is why our president said it.

It also says: “Though this is a bereavemen­t call, I offer you my excuse from responsibi­lity as your son’s commander in chief and a brutal sentiment to add to your grief.” It was an incompeten­t and vicious statement, which is why our president said it. DON KRIEGER Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan­ia

With 80% of Puerto Rico still without power, President Donald Trump rates his handling of the catastroph­e a “10.”

I beg to differ. I would rate his effort a “10” – below zero. Of course, anyone who dares to challenge him would be flipped off with the usual “fake news” retort.

Good grief, can’t anyone in this sorry excuse for an administra­tion get through to him? HERB STARK Mooresvill­e, North Carolina

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