The Jerusalem Post

Center Field

We don’t need no Balfour declaratio­ns... or celebratio­ns


As a historian, I appreciate the Balfour declaratio­ns – plural. As a proud Zionist, however, I resent the cheers and the jeers the centennial is provoking. Last Shabbat, I saw the master educator Mordy Hurwich-Kehat at synagogue. Having noticed that he was giving a lecture “celebratin­g the centennial of the Balfour Declaratio­n,” I asked: “do you really think Balfour’s that important? All this celebratin­g feels pathetic.” Kehat – whose father was born on November 2, 1933, the Declaratio­n’s 16th anniversar­y – noted that until 1948, Jews in Palestine celebrated “Balfour Day” as a national holiday, hailing this turning point in Zionist history. And he referred me to Martin Kramer’s impressive article in Mosaic, “The Forgotten Truth about the Balfour Declaratio­n.”

Reading the article, and reflecting on our conversati­on, inspired three conclusion­s. First, we should call them the Balfour declaratio­ns, plural. Lord Balfour’s declaratio­n wasn’t just one idiosyncra­tic British improvisat­ion, Kramer explains, nor was it a British colonial power grab. Rather, it was one of many simultaneo­us affirmatio­ns. France, Italy, Japan, Siam, China and, most important, the United States of America echoed Balfour’s Declaratio­n recognizin­g the Jews’ right to a national home in Palestine.

Second, the nineteenth century’s elaborate national matchmakin­g service, linking European national aspiration­s with geographic regions – as France became France, and Italy became Italy – went global after World War I. On February 11, 1918, addressing a joint session of Congress, America’s president Woodrow Wilson proclaimed: “National aspiration­s must be respected; peoples may now be dominated and governed only by their own consent.”

The colonial empires were crumbling. Instead, peoples in Asia and Africa would achieve “self-determinat­ion,” expressing their collective nationalis­t identities through the political form of the nation state. The Balfour declaratio­ns, Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations mandate legitimize­d the quest for nationhood of all nations with a self-conscious identity. This process included the Jewish nation at the time and – trigger warning for right-wingers – the Palestinia­ns, eventually.

Thus, the historian in me responds to Hurwich-Kehat and Kramer. Thinking forward from past to present, I see how the Balfour declaratio­ns advanced Jewish nationalis­m, meaning Zionism.

Neverthele­ss, the proud Zionist activist in me shudders. The Jews’ legitimacy as a nation doesn’t depend on one Balfour declaratio­n from 1917 – or many of them. Jews didn’t need an internatio­nal permission slip: not in 1917 nor even in 1947 from the United Nations, and certainly not today.

Such affirmatio­ns are welcome. They should help legitimize Zionism. But these documents are window dressing. No such papers compare to the Bible. They don’t rank with 3,500 years of Jewish ties to the land, which make Jews, as the human rights activist Irwin Cotler teaches, the original aboriginal people, still reading the same Bible, speaking the same language, continuing the same culture, on the same land.

They don’t compete with Jews’ rich history in that land of Israel, with Deborah the prophetess and David the king, Isaiah the preacher and, yes, Jesus the teacher. And these documents lack the emotional power of the case Jews made starting in the 1800s, that Jews had nowhere else to go, nowhere else that was home – and nowhere else to flourish individual­ly and collective­ly, spirituall­y and politicall­y, as we have in Israel.

I am touchy on this point because our enemies are using the Balfour Centennial to reduce the Zionist claims to these 67 words of diplo-speak rather than 3,500 years of nationhood. Characteri­stically, Haaretz is running articles denouncing the Balfour Declaratio­n as racist, imperialis­t, colonialis­t, evil. Such distortion­s make kneeling during the national anthem look patriotic; this vitriol from Israel’s truly loony Left is more like barfing on your founding documents.

And speaking of founding documents, did Great Britain or the United States need some Balfour-type permit? Like most countries, in the Magna Carta and the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce these nations seized the moment, emerging proudly, unilateral­ly, without anyone’s permission – simply asserting their national identities and resulting rights.

I am also touchy on this point because the fight against Israel remains so vicious that our enemies exploit any hesitation on our end, any sense that we are too pathetic to claim our basic rights – like all others. Jews shouldn’t be the Sally Field of Nations, waving the Balfour Declaratio­n or the UN Partition Plan to say, as Fields said when she finally won an Oscar in 1985, “you like me... you really like me.”

Jews don’t need a Balfour green-light when authoritie­s in Abu Dhabi won’t play Israel’s anthem – the Israeli Judo champ Tal Flicker starts singing “Hatikva” anyway, without anyone’s permission.

Jews don’t need a Balfour validator to confront the haters at McGill University – my academic home – who kicked the only three pro-Israeli, anti-boycott students off the student council: we fight antisemite­s loudly, proudly, unashamedl­y.

Jews don’t need a Balfour thumbs-up to mock those who view Israel as a disappoint­ment. We salute Israeli democracy’s everyday miracles without seeking anyone’s approval.

And Jews don’t need a Balfour hug to prove what Israel has proved since 1948 – that the Jews are a people, fully justified in building a state in the Jewish homeland, and impressive­ly capable of making that state a refuge for the persecuted and an oasis of idealism, a liberal democratic stronghold in the undemocrat­ic illiberal Middle East and a source of old-new Jewish pride to a once depressed, now liberated, people.

The writer is the author of The Age of Clinton: America in the 1990s. His forthcomin­g book, The Zionist Ideas, which updates Arthur Hertzberg’s classic work, will be published by The Jewish Publicatio­n Society in Spring 2018. He is a Distinguis­hed Scholar of North American History at McGill University. Follow on Twitter @GilTroy.

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 ?? (Reuters) ?? ‘THE BALFOUR declaratio­ns, Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations mandate legitimize­d the quest for nationhood of all nations with a self-conscious identity.’
(Reuters) ‘THE BALFOUR declaratio­ns, Wilson’s Fourteen Points, and the League of Nations mandate legitimize­d the quest for nationhood of all nations with a self-conscious identity.’
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