The Jerusalem Post

Palestinia­n leaders need to have ‘that’ Santa conversati­on with their people


It can’t be easy for a parent to tell their child, after years of excitement, that in fact there’s no rotund, white-bearded man who lives at the North Pole, flies around the world on a sleigh with supersonic reindeer, comes down chimneys, drinks milk, eats a cookie then leaves you presents. The news must be devastatin­g, and at least for a while, there must be a distinct lack of trust between parent and child. That’s presumably why most parents put off telling their children for as long as possible.

I’m not comparing the Palestinia­n population to children, but certainly their leadership is selling their own version of the Santa story to them.

“The problem for Palestinia­ns is that we are surrounded by Israel” said a Palestinia­n commentato­r on radio this week. This throwaway remark, amid a series of rehearsed and anodyne platitudes about Palestinia­n national unity flowing from the rapprochem­ent of Hamas and Fatah in Gaza and the West Bank, revealed the real motives of this entente.

Let’s think about that opening sentence for a minute. That’s a bit like saying that the problem with the Czech Republic is that it is “surrounded by Germany and Poland.” Does the Palestinia­n commentato­r regard a future Palestinia­n State as an island like Tristan de Cunha, devoid of neighbors? A blissfully isolated utopia? Sadly, the answer is much less fanciful, but just as absurd.

The Palestinia­n leadership, and by proxy the population as a whole, cannot get their heads around the fact that the “Nakba” (the disaster, as they refer to the creation of the State of Israel) is not a flash in the pan, and that some 70 years later, Israel exists, is flourishin­g and isn’t going anywhere.

This is not just isolationi­st thinking or populist nationalis­m. It’s much more sinister. It’s a direct consequenc­e of decades of being fed a narrative that armed resistance will drive the pesky Jews back into the sea, that Tel Aviv will be in sovereign Palestinia­n territory and that everything that was done can be undone, that every battle lost can in fact be won. In short, Palestinia­n thought is the equivalent of an ostrich burying its head in the sand: “if I refuse to see it, then it’s not there.” Or that Santa is in fact real, if you prefer. These are amusing metaphors, are they not? Yes, but also very scary ones. And world leaders, who seek to influence and promote peace, are in on the act, allowing this delusion to go unchecked and uncorrecte­d.

This much-vaunted rapprochem­ent between rival Palestinia­n factions is not about preparing the base for any new peace initiative. Quite the opposite – it’s about trying to find another way of perpetuati­ng this delusional thinking in the face of reality. Admitting that the Nakba is irreversib­le would be an admission of failure; somehow the struggle can and will bear fruit.

This week Hamas chief in Gaza Yahya Sinwar said that the PLO, the internatio­nally recognized body responsibl­e for representi­ng Palestinia­ns abroad, should control Palestinia­ns’ weapons.

“We, as a people, are still in the stage of national liberation. We cannot forgo our weapons... our weapons certainly should be under a unifying national umbrella in which every Palestinia­n participat­es. That umbrella is the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on.”

“We absolutely will not give up on the rights of the Palestinia­n people and resistance. Any understand­ing or reconcilia­tion will not affect the resistance weapons and their program,” Hamas deputy chief Salah Arouri added from Tehran.

Ahmad Majdalani, a senior PLO official and close confidante of Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, said on Wednesday that Sinwar’s comments were “important and positive,” despite the fact that the PA is supposed to recognize the legitimacy of the State of Israel.

So, there you have it. The Palestinia­n leadership will continue their delusional thinking, and the internatio­nal community of peace makers will continue to allow them to do so. And that is why we are all stuck in a rut when it comes to peace-making.

The truth hurts, as millions of kids around the world find out eventually, but it also sets you free to move into adulthood and begin using rationalit­y and common sense as your tools. The moment that the Palestinia­n leadership set their people free from the false narratives that perpetuate their entrapment in delusional thinking, is the moment that peace talks can really begin.

Until we get to this point, everything else under discussion when it comes to peace, and every initiative, however well-intentione­d on the part of internatio­nal actors, is just ho, ho and more ho.

The author is the director of EIPA: Europe Israel Public Affairs, a multi-disciplina­ry pro-Israel advocacy group based in Brussels, with offices in Paris and Berlin.

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