The Jerusalem Post

Belarus hometown of Chagall celebrates first new synagogue in a century

- (Courtesy Jewish Community of Vitebsk)

The hometown in Belarus of the late artist Marc Chagall saw its first opening of a synagogue in over a century.

The Jewish community of Vitebsk, which is located 250 km. northeast of the Belarusian capital of Minsk, last month celebrated the inaugurati­on of the synagogue at an event attended by city officials and faith community leaders from the Christian Orthodox and Catholic churches, the Belta news agency reported.

Vitebsk’s rabbi, Malkiel Gorgodze, affixed a mezuza to the door frame of the shul, which was built with municipal support near the city’s Chagall museum. The synagogue, Ohel David, is built of the red bricks for which Vitebsk – one of Belarus’ most beautiful cities – is known internatio­nally.

Boasting a capacity of several hundred worshipers, the synagogue’s unusual design has one of its corners towering above the other three and a white streak accentuati­ng the outline of its roof. Both facets making up the elevated corner have a single large and round window with a Star of David suspended in its frame.

“Vitebsk is a historical­ly Jewish city,” Leonid Tomchin, the chairman of the Jewish community of Vitebsk, said at the event, which drew a crowd of several hundred people.

Tomchin noted that at the beginning of the 20th century, more than half of the city’s population were Jews, with 64 synagogues in Vitebsk.

“Today there is only one, unfortunat­ely, but even this synagogue can and will be a center of Jewish life,” he said.

The vast majority of Jews who lived in what is today Belarus were murdered in the Holocaust. Today the city has a few dozen Jews. The new synagogue replaced an apartment-sized place of worship that was too small to accommodat­e all attendees during holidays, Tomchin added.

Chagall, a Cubist painter known for combining many Jewish symbols in colorful works described as naïve and featuring dreamlike scenes, worked in France before immigratin­g to the United States to escape the Nazis. He died in 1985 at 97.

Separately, the Jewish community of the city of Simferopol in Crimea celebrated the inaugurati­on of its first chief rabbi since its annexation in 2014 by Russia. The new rabbi is Yehezkel Lazar, who is a son of Berel Lazar, a chief rabbi of Russia.

Lazar, a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbi, enjoys good ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian annexation of Crimea from Ukraine following the toppling in a revolution of its president, whose opponents said was a corrupt Russian stooge, is not recognized by the internatio­nal community. Many Crimean Jews – there are about 10,000 living on the peninsula – welcomed becoming Russian citizens.

“Unfortunat­ely, in Simferopol there is neither a Jewish kindergart­en nor a school,” Yehezkel Lazar told Ria Novosti. “There will be in the future, and a large center, with a synagogue, a kosher restaurant, Jewish shops and educationa­l institutio­ns.”

Asked by Jewish News Internatio­nal if he worried about the political message sent by his appointmen­t, Lazar said he “hadn’t thought of that. The future is in the hands of the Almighty. We hope that everyone understand­s that we have no political goals..., but if there are any difficulti­es – we are ready, because we didn’t come here to relax but to work to help the Jews. If we wanted an easy life, we would have remained in America or Israel, where everything is good.” ( JTA)

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