The Jerusalem Post

‘Wonder Woman’ voted best superhero film all time


Wonder Woman, which stars Israeli actress Gal Gadot, scored the No. 1 spot on the Rotten Tomatoes “50 Best Superhero Movies of All Time” list on Wednesday.

The film beat out the box office blockbuste­rs The Dark Knight and Spider-Man.

According to, Wonder Woman received a score on the list of 108.569% while The Dark Knight received a 106.313%.

Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins and Gadot took to Twitter to express their delight at receiving the honor.

Rotten Tomatoes is an online website that compiles movie reviews into two percentage scores: one of amateur critics and one of profession­al critics.

The percentage is then broken down into three ratings based on the score. Zero to 59% is graded a rotten green tomato, 60 to 74% is a fresh red tomato and 75% to 100% is a certified fresh rating.

Critics of the scoring method say that the system is too general and film rankings are “disproport­ionately impacted by motivated fan bases.”

In addition, recent rankings have received more weight than older ones in the site’s algorithm, so newer films have an advantage in list articles such as the “50 Best Superhero Movies of All Time.”

Rotten Tomatoes does not claim to be the definitive source for ranking greatest films but acts as more of a general guide for current trends for moviegoers.

Wonder Woman is the highest grossing film of summer 2017 and the first film directed by a woman to surpass $400 million in revenue.

The success of the film launched Gadot into the ranks of the Hollywood heavyweigh­ts and scored her a Wonder Woman sequel set for release in 2019.

Gadot will also appear in related films such as Justice League, Justice League 2 and Flashpoint over the course of the next few years.

 ?? (YouTube) ?? GAL GADOT

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