The Jerusalem Post

Quenching the world’s thirst

Israel is at the forefront of revolution­izing how water is treated, and people from some of the world’s most arid regions are lapping up the knowledge

- • By NOA AMOUYAL (Talia Tzour Avner)

“Everything begins with water,” Abraham Tenne said while walking through the Sorek Water Desalinati­on Plant a few kilometers outside Palmahim Beach, south of Tel Aviv.

And he would know. The independen­t consultant on water and wastewater treatment and former chairman of the Water Desalinati­on Administra­tion has traveled the world explaining how Israel has managed to do the impossible: transform an arid desert in the Middle East to one of the leading countries developing water technologi­es and exporting that know-how across the globe.

Jewish National Fund-USA has been a critical element in making this a reality. Through building up to 250 reservoirs responsibl­e for raising Israel’s recycled water from 5% to 85%, rehabilita­tion of rivers and transformi­ng the Beersheba Stream into an oasis in the desert, supporting educationa­l programs such as Green Horizons to teach young children the value of water conservati­on and helping preserve water for Beduin in the Negev, through its Wadi Attir project and more, JNF is implementi­ng its overarchin­g mission of making life better for the people of Israel.

“Green Horizons not only helps save water, but also is an educationa­l tool. Water is precious and teaching children the importance of that is absolutely critical. This is what JNF helps to accomplish,” Marc Kelman, the JNF Water Task Force chairman, said.

Kelman was part of the organizati­on’s delegation visiting Israel to see these projects unfold firsthand. The mission, called “Israel H2O: A JNF USA Tour on the Trail of Israel’s Water Solutions,” hosted water profession­als, people from arid climates and, of course, those who simply have a love for Israel in their hearts.

“Our main purpose is to expose participan­ts to water challenges and solutions of the State of Israel. We have traveled the country from North to South, visiting prominent water sites to understand how Israel can solve not only its challenges, but also supply water to its neighbors,” explained Talia Tzour Avner, KKL-JNF chief Israel emissary, who served as the tour’s director.

“One of our goals is to brand Israel positively. Not only to create that image but to export that knowledge to the rest of the world,” she said.

And exporting knowledge Start-Up Nation is doing best.

While Israel did not invent the concept of drip irrigation, it perfected the modern-day version of the innovative process, and since 1959, has taken it to the next level, so much so that other countries, both developed and developing, want a piece of the action.

From a 2016 Obama administra­tion initiative which called on Israeli firms to find solutions to California’s water crisis to JNF’s own Arava Internatio­nal Center for Agricultur­al Training, which trains farmers in developing nations like Vietnam how to use Israeli agricultur­al methods, Israeli cleantech know-how is spanning the globe.

Tenne believes water should be a nonpartisa­n issue, and it is politics that is preventing California – and America in general – from realizing its water conservati­on potential.

According to a recent op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, nearly one million California­ns are exposed to contaminat­ed water, with mostly rural areas affected. A Dateline edition earlier this year interviewe­d residents is what the outside Los Angeles who bemoaned a lack of water and even at one point saw “sand coming out of the faucets.”

“There are political and bureaucrat­ic challenges. We have these problems in Israel too, of course, but before 1999 we reached a consensus because we were in a time of crisis,” he said.

“The US doesn’t have that consensus yet; they don’t have a master plan,” he explained, adding that the situation in America is further complicate­d by the many different utility companies that own the country’s water supply.

And visiting delegation­s are, in his view, not enough to solve America’s water crisis. “Yes, we have delegation­s back and forth, but if politician­s don’t make a decision, nothing will happen,” he said, recalling his experience with California state staffers in Sacramento two years ago, who listened intently to his ideas – but no progress was made since his visit.

Even though Israel recycles about 87% of its water, that is not to say Israel is itself out of the woods when it comes to supplying its citizens. With rainfall decreasing 50% in the past years, and the population set to double by 2050, Israel needs to drasticall­y increase its water resources soon.

“JNF’s vision is to bring 500,000 people to the Negev and a further 300,000 to the North. That means more new residents need water in the years to come. This is an initiative that needs widespread support,” Tzour Avner said.

Dr. Rodney Glassman, a JNF board member and attorney who holds a PhD in arid land resources sciences, believes Israel’s water achievemen­ts are analogous to how JNF itself has grown over the past decades.

“This trip highlights the evolution of JNF. It used to be that every Jewish kid’s favorite bar mitzva present was a tree certificat­e from their Aunt Barbara in Baltimore. Today JNF’s capabiliti­es are evolving with the needs of Israelis. Israel is now a country that is the best of the best. Who does America call now for creative solutions? Israel. Investing in Israel’s water future through trees, reservoirs and technology is really about investing in the survival of Israel,” he added.

The trip was an emotional one for Glassman, who arrived with his younger brother and 76-year-old father.

Witnessing the modern-day miracles Israel is accomplish­ing every day captivated the delegation. In Sorek, for example, 26,000 cubic meters of water an hour are blasted into massive filters in an energy efficient way and supplies 20% of Israel’s water demand.

At Shafdan’s Wastewater Treatment System, even the slight smell of sewage wasn’t enough to distract the group when they toured the facility and saw how it transforms sludge into water suitable for agricultur­e.

But for Robert Glassman, a Jewish farmer who has been leveraging technologi­es perfected in Israel while farming for over four decades in Central California, the water innovation­s paled in comparison to spending time in Israel with his sons.

While pleased with JNF’s contributi­on to Israel’s water future, spending a week with his sons in the Holy Land resonated with the elder Glassman the most. “I just wanted to come to Israel one last time with my boys,” he said.

And perhaps that is really the overarchin­g story about Israel itself. Despite its technologi­cal prowess or innovation, at its core, its beckoning call to Jews can be hard to ignore.

This article was written in cooperatio­n with JNF-USA.

 ??  ?? MEMBERS OF the JNF water delegation pose in front of Jaffa Port last week.
MEMBERS OF the JNF water delegation pose in front of Jaffa Port last week.

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