The Jerusalem Post

Drive-by shooting in Samaria


How typical of the press to spotlight the “cries of ‘Vengeance!’” heard for less than a minute, and also to miss the entire point (“‘Tower of light’ Rabbi Raziel Shevach buried at Havat Gilad,” January 11).

The sounds of protest for vengeance during Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett’s eulogy were quickly quashed out of respect for the Shevach family. What you failed to report was the anguish and tears that flowed freely and unabashedl­y from former Sephardi chief rabbi Shlomo Amar while eulogizing his beloved and cherished follower.

At times, it was too difficult for the rabbi to continue to speak. It was simply heartbreak­ing.

CHAYA HEUMAN Ginot Shomron

Israel could stop once and for all such tragedies (“Rabbi, father of six, killed in drive-by shooting in Samaria,” January 10).

It is simple. If such a murder happens again, the village the terrorist comes from (our police can likely determine this) should be bombed indiscrimi­nately, destroying dozens of homes. Of course, the world and many Israelis would be outraged by such savagery, but this outrage will not physically harm any Jew.

As for our own morals, the playing field between us and the terrorists is not level. We play morally; they do not. This is right as long we do not continue to lose the lives of our brethren. Nazi Germany and Japan would not have been defeated had the Allies not undertaken similar “immoraliti­es.”

In the final analysis, fewer lives, both Jewish and Arab, will be lost if this is done. Have we got the guts?


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