The Jerusalem Post

Nas Daily reveals: ‘I’m 1% Jewish’

Israeli-Palestinia­n Facebook star discovers interestin­g things in his DNA


Nuseir Yassin, better known online as Nas Daily, was born in Israel to a Muslim father and a Muslim mother. But he recently decided to do a DNA test to discover his genetic origins and found that he actually has 1% European Jewish ancestry!

“When I got my results, I was surprised,” he said in a video recorded in Shoham and posted Monday. “Specifical­ly, 1% of my DNA comes from a European Jewish descent... a lot of people expect a Palestinia­n or Muslim to dislike Jews. But it’s practicall­y impossible because I would be hating part of myself. And I love myself!”

Underneath the video, Yassin posted: “I know, I’m NOT Jewish. I was born 110% Muslim... but that 1%... that 1%... that says a lot!” His full results included 59% Middle Eastern DNA, 17% from the Caucasus and a mix from a variety of other places.

The 26-year-old native of Arrabe in the Lower Galilee has gained a serious following online after he quit his job in New York and began to travel the world, posting a one-minute video to Facebook each day – hence, the “daily” part of Nas Daily. He has close to four million followers online. And while he posts content from around the world, he spends plenty of time closer to home as well. Over the past few weeks, Yassin has shared many videos from around Israel and the West Bank, including a spotlight on the tax-free city of Eilat; the problems facing the shrinking Dead Sea; and the brand-new Palestinia­n city of Rawabi.

In October, he posted a video complainin­g how the boycott movement against Israel has prevented him, a Palestinia­n-Israeli, from flying from New York to India with Kuwait Airlines.

“Because I’m an Israeli, an entire airline is not allowed to take me on their plane, even if I’m not going to Kuwait,” he said in the video, saying such behavior was discrimina­tory and “should be illegal.”

He added: “Dear Kuwait: If you want to boycott Israel, be my guest, refuse me service. But also give me your USB flash drives, your phones, your safe-driving cars, your Viber, your Waze or your anti-virus – this is also Israel.”

Often when Yassin returns home to Israel, he hosts meet-ups for Palestinia­ns and Israelis, as he did in July in Jerusalem, when tension in the city was high.

“It seems like the whole world is either with Israel or with Palestine,” he told The Jerusalem Post at the time. “It seems like there is nobody who is actually in the middle, because the only loud people are the ones in the extreme.”

 ?? (Facebook) ?? HE QUIT his job in New York and started posting videos online from around the world every day to earn the name ‘Nas Daily.’
(Facebook) HE QUIT his job in New York and started posting videos online from around the world every day to earn the name ‘Nas Daily.’

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