The Jerusalem Post

Iran frees 440 people arrested during protests


LONDON (Reuters) – Iran has freed 440 people arrested in Tehran during anti-government protests, a judiciary official said, amid continuing uncertaint­y over how many were detained around the country.

The demonstrat­ions, which began over economic hardships in late December, spread to more than 80 cities and towns and resulted in 25 deaths.

Demonstrat­ors initially vented their anger over high prices and alleged corruption, but the protests took on a rare political dimension, with a growing number of people calling on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down.

Judicial officials have announced more than 1,000 arrests around the country, but lawmaker Mahmoud Sadeghi said last week that at least 3,700 people had been detained.

Several detainees have died in custody, and human rights activists have called for an independen­t investigat­ion of their cases.

The deputy speaker of parliament, Ali Motahari, was quoted by the state news agency IRNA on Sunday as saying that based on reports received, “one detainee in Tehran and two in other provinces” had died in jail. The judiciary has confirmed two deaths in custody, but said they had been suicides.

“More than 440 people who were arrested in Tehran riots have been released,” Tehran prosecutor Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency on Sunday. Dolatabadi said most of those held during the protests were from low-income families and were 18 to 35 years old.

Iran’s judiciary spokesman said on Sunday that Iranian authoritie­s had arrested a dual national who was taking pictures during the unrest, but gave no details of the person’s nationalit­y.

The United States imposed sanctions on 14 individual­s and entities on Friday for human rights abuses in Iran and for supporting Iranian weapons programs, including the head of Iran’s judiciary, Ayatollah Sadeq Larijani.

Larijani, a close ally of Khamenei, was quoted by the ISNA news agency as saying on Monday that imposing sanctions on him as the head of the judiciary was “crossing the line.” He also said Iran would not remain silent against such action.

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