The Jerusalem Post

Chabad couple in California creates slew of Jewish firsts


Rabbi Chaim Zaklos and his wife, Aidel, are working to create a “one-stop-Jewishlife” center in Vacaville, California. Nearly everything taking shape there is a first, at least for the city, and in many cases, for Solano County as well.

The couple, transplant­s from the East Coast in their mid-30s, have six children ranging in age from eight years down to four months.

“The vision is a center for Jewish life; a unique location where you have all your Jewish needs under one roof: religious, social, the holidays and observance­s and life-cycle events,” Rabbi Zaklos said, “kind of a Jewish community center with a religious aspect. We want it to be welcoming and we want people to feel at home.”

The facility, an 8,225 sq.ft. compound located at 730 E. Main St., is more than just a building. It was bought in December of 2014 and has been in the planning stages since then, Zaklos said.

“We had to raise funds and plan what would be the best way to utilize the space,” he said.

There have been four intense fund-raising campaigns over the past four years: one that raised $200,000 for the down payment on the building; one for $100,000 that funded the sanctuary; a third that brought in the $234,000 needed to build the mikve, or ritual bath, and the social hall; and a fourth that raised another $200,000 to build most of the rest of the site.

Aside from the sanctuary, which is basically complete, most of the rest of the RABBI CHAIM ZAKLOS and his wife, Aidel, have six children ranging in age from eight years to four months. Chabad Center for Jewish Life is under constructi­on. They’re building a lounge, a youth room for religious studies and afterschoo­l programs, a library and a social hall for holiday and other events like community Seders, bar mitzvas and weddings. A full, public, kosher kitchen is also under constructi­on, along with the mikve – both firsts for Solano County.

“There are eight other [mikves] in all of Northern California, the closest being in Sacramento, Berkeley and Oakland,” Zaklos said. A visit to a mikve is required under certain circumstan­ces for observant Jews.

The ritual bath must meet certain biblical requiremen­ts that govern the how and from what materials it’s built, where the water comes from and how the pool is filled. The mikve water must be collected in a prescribed way and delivered to the bath in a specified manner, he said.

Various parts of the Chabad center project are named in honor of the donors who made them possible, like the The Erik Alexander Fuchs Youth Room, named for local Realtor Bonnie Falk’s son, who died 13 years ago at the age of 22. “IT’S AN amazing place,” Falk said of the center. “As a Jewish person living in Solano County since 1981 – when I first came here, someone asked me what a Jew was. I’m a reform Jew, but Zaklos and Chabad is welcoming to all Jews. The Zakloses are young and what they’ve done to bring in the assimilate­d Jews is amazing. This is going to bring so many Jews to Solano County, it’s unbelievab­le.”

The Chabad center is welcoming also to non-Jews, she said.

“I grew up mostly around gentiles, so this is a huge cultural event,” Falk said of the center. “We have non-Jews who come to our events. We have interestin­g speakers and other events that are educationa­l and supportive to anyone, not just Jews. It’s real and down to earth. That’s why so many people feel comfortabl­e coming. It’s so good for the Vacaville community. My son would be thrilled. It’s so different than anything I’ve ever experience­d. You can learn so much, and it brings us together, and doesn’t separate us. Being involved with Chabad changed my life.”

Being a Jewish institutio­n, Chabad received a federal grant to beef up security, much of which is evident on the building’s exterior, where also is found a layer of Jerusalem stone, which is also prominent in the Judy Stein Sanctuary, inside.

Artistic wall mountings and murals depict ancient Israel and the fruits with which that area is blessed, like pomegranat­es, figs, olives and dates. The sanctuary furniture was built at and shipped from an Israeli kibbutz that specialize­s in making such items.

Above the special area that contains the Torah scroll, is a carving depicting Jerusalem’s Western Wall as it appears today, while the cloth that covers the scroll is embroidere­d with a sparkling depiction of what the Third Temple of the Messianic age is expected to look like.

It also includes the words, “Every Jew is family.” “This is our credo,” Zaklos said. Even the Torah scroll itself is a first for the county, in that it was initiated by the Harris family of Benicia, and written especially for Solano Chabad by an Israeli scribe.

Zaklos said the community hopes to one day create an outdoor area behind the center, a kosher market, and maybe even a kosher restaurant or deli, which is why there “are still dedication and center upkeep opportunit­ies” to be had.

It is hoped that the main elements of the project will be finished and usable by September or October, in time for the High Holidays, Zaklos said.

“Every day, stuff is getting done,” he said. “It’s a humbling experience to be putting together something that will bring the community together in such a special way; to become a place where people can find their Jewish passion and to become a beacon of Jewish light.” – (TNS)

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