The Jerusalem Post

No end in sight as mountains of Lebanese garbage grow

Without national waste policy, dumps have mushroomed since 1990s, many along coast • Residents fear for health, environmen­t


BEIRUT (Reuters) – Arpi Kruzian has lived on the coastline east of Beirut for three decades. But now her balcony has a different view: a massive mound of trash rising on the Mediterran­ean.

“This used to be the sea,” she said outside her home. “One day we looked out, we couldn’t see the sea.”

Trucks and bulldozers have piled waste at a land-reclamatio­n site there since last year. “In the summer, we died from the stench,” she said. “You can’t control the smell... it seeps in from under the doors.”

Landfills and dump sites – many infamously known as “garbage mountains” – have mushroomed across Lebanon since the 1990s.

The mess peaked in 2015, when after running well beyond its expiration date, the capital’s main landfill shut down.

Heaps of rubbish festered in the summer heat for months. Politician­s wrangled over what to do as the trash crisis of 2015 sparked a protest movement. The trash became a glaring symbol of a sectarian power system that was unable to meet basic needs like electricit­y and water.

The government has since managed to get the waste off the streets and out of Beirut, partly through creating more landfills.

But residents and environmen­talists accuse the government of failing to reach a permanent solution, warning of dire consequenc­es on the Mediterran­ean and public health.

Last month, the cabinet agreed to expand two seaside landfills at the outskirts of Beirut. Both had started as stop-gaps to resolve the 2015 crisis.

“Lebanon seems to be addicted to these coastal landfills,” said Bassam Khawaja, Lebanon researcher at Human Rights Watch. “They cannot keep jumping from one emergency solution to the next .... It is remarkable that we don’t have a national law regulating waste.”

Authoritie­s have not conducted any studies on the environmen­tal impact of the two dumps, one near Beirut Airport and the other in the Bourj Hammoud neighborho­od, he said.

The expansion will include a composting plant at the landfill near the airport, which Khawaja said would be “an important step if it actually happens.”

Lebanon has relied on a string of temporary fixes since an emergency waste plan was implemente­d in the late 1990s, after the end of its 15-year civil war, he said. The government has left local municipal councils to their own devices without resources or funding, especially outside the capital.

For residents and activists, the mess stems from corruption and gridlock at the heart of government, where private firms allied to politician­s routinely fight over lucrative contracts.

A Human Rights Watch report in December said hundreds of unsanitary, makeshift dumps have spread across the country. The US-based group said 150 of the sites burn rubbish out in the open every week.

Government officials have repeatedly banned open burning.

The Environmen­t Ministry could not be reached for comment after repeated requests.

The ministry has crafted an outline for a waste system that focuses on recycling and gradually closing dump sites, a plan the cabinet approved this month.

Environmen­t Minister Tarek Khatib said his office is fulfilling its duties. “We will launch a garbage plan in cooperatio­n with the municipali­ties,” he said last week, when piles of refuse washed up on the shore north of Beirut.

Photos circulated widely that showed plastic bags and rot covering the beach after a storm. Officials have traded blame over such incidents in the run-up to parliament­ary elections in May.

Over the past year, Joe Salem has watched the hill of rubbish growing on the coast east of Beirut from his window. He gave the workers at his aluminum factory surgical masks and filled the place with air fresheners.

“When a customer comes in, the smell of scum and dirt enters,” he said, pointing at the dump site behind the mall in the Dora suburbs.

“We can’t open the windows. We spend our time with the rats,” Salem added. “It’s a catastroph­e for the environmen­t, for the people who live in the street.”

But complainin­g to authoritie­s is hopeless, he said. “People [object] and shut roads and do this and that. Nobody answers them.”

Another mound has also been rising at the edge of a runway at Lebanon’s only airport. In the summer, it sends a pungent smell along the highway, and sticks out in the view from the Costa Brava Beach Resort nearby.

Residents say the facility, known as the Costa Brava landfill, has crippled economic activity and driven customers away from the beach.

“The whole area has been affected,” said Khaled Hammoud, who owns a bakery a few hundred meters away.

It makes no difference when the stench subsides in the winter. People have branded it “a landfill district, a district that stinks,” he said. “Nobody goes there.”

 ?? (Aziz Taher/Reuters) ?? PILES OF TRASH along the coast in Jiyeh, Lebanon, continued growing larger last week.
(Aziz Taher/Reuters) PILES OF TRASH along the coast in Jiyeh, Lebanon, continued growing larger last week.

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