The Jerusalem Post

It’s a question of when, not if

Singapore, considered one of the world’s safest countries, worries – and prepares – for terror attack


SINGAPORE (Reuters) – Armed officers patrol a train station where television screens and giant posters warn of the threat from militants. Nearby, fake gunmen storm a shopping mall in one of many recent terror-attack simulation­s.

But this is not some war-ravaged country. It is one of the safest in the world – Singapore.

The wealthy island-state has a near-perfect record of keeping its shores free from terror, but as it prepares to host defense ministers from around Southeast Asia this week, it appears to have good reason to have prioritize­d stopping the spread of militancy in the region.

The cosmopolit­an financial hub – which was second only to Tokyo in The Economist Intelligen­ce Unit’s Safe Cities Index in 2017 – says it has been the target of militant plots for years, some stemming from its Muslim-majority neighbors, and that it’s a matter of ‘when’ and not ‘if’ militants will strike.

“Singapore continues to face a serious security threat from both homegrown radicalize­d individual­s and foreign terrorists who continue to see Singapore as a prized target,” the country’s Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said in response to e-mailed questions from Reuters.

Singapore authoritie­s say they have been a target of Islamic extremism since the 1990s, but efforts to deter terrorism have stepped up markedly in recent years with more frequent attacks on Western countries, and after Islamic State (ISIS) militants briefly took over a town in the southern Philippine­s last year.

Raising further concerns about the threat to the island, a Singaporea­n soldier has featured on a number of Islamic State promotiona­l videos, most recently in December where he was filmed executing men alongside other militants.

In its inaugural Terrorism Threat Assessment Report released last year, the MHA said ISIS has demonstrat­ed that Singapore is “very much on its radar,” and that the threat to the country remains “the highest in recent years” – claims that are backed up by security experts.

“Singapore, being known as safe and secure, makes it such a risk target,” said Dan Bould, Asia director of crisis management at profession­al services firm Aon and a former captain in the British army.

“If there’s an attack in the Philippine­s, it may get half an hour in a 24-hour news cycle. An attack in Singapore with all the multicultu­ral individual­s operating here will be within the narrative for a few days at least,” he said.

In early 2017, Aon lifted Singapore in the terrorism and political violence category of its annual risk map from negligible to low risk.

The reality is that Singapore has so far escaped the attacks seen in other major world cities like New York, London and Berlin in recent years. That’s why it is at the bottom of the 2017 Global Terror Index, with no reported terror-related attacks post-9/11.

But three in four Singaporea­ns believe that it’s only a matter of time before the country experience­s a terror attack, a poll by the local newspaper Sunday Times last year showed.

Singapore authoritie­s certainly do not want their citizens to be complacent. Everyone, including school children, is encouraged to download a mobile app that alerts them to emergency situations and allows them to send in videos and photos of suspicious events.

The MHA said that as of the end of last year, more than 1.3 million devices were equipped with the SGSecure app, a large chunk of the population of around 5.6 million.

Simulation­s of terror attacks – including one just over a week ago where masked gunman stormed a children’s activity center on the resort island of Sentosa – are regular. Last month, Singapore’s military undertook its biggest mobilizati­on exercise in more than three decades, including an inter-agency response to the simulation of a gunman at its national stadium.

Authoritie­s said last year there was reliable informatio­n that ISIS militants were considerin­g carrying out an attack in Singapore in the first half of 2016, a threat which they said was countered.

In August 2016, neighborin­g Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim population, arrested six suspects with links to ISIS who were accused of plotting rocket attacks on Singapore’s iconic Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Malaysia, Singapore’s northern neighbor which also has a Muslim majority, and Indonesia say thousands of their citizens sympathize with ISIS and hundreds are believed to have traveled to Syria to join the group. Regional security officials say many are returning home after reverses in the Middle East.

Singapore takes a hardline approach to suspected radicals. Bilveer Singh, an adjunct senior fellow at the Rajaratnam School of Internatio­nal Studies, says it is one of the reasons behind the country’s success so far.

The most controvers­ial measure at its disposal is its colonial-era Internal Security Act (ISA) which allows for suspects to be held for lengthy periods without trial.

The MHA said it currently has 20 people detained under the Act for “terrorism-related” activities, and since 2002 has held close to 90 for such activities.

“ISA is a fantastic deterrent, and so far it has worked,” Singh said.

Authoritie­s have also deported scores of foreigners for suspected radicalism in recent years, and in October banned two popular Muslim preachers from Zimbabwe and Malaysia from entering the city-state, saying their views bred intoleranc­e and were a risk to its social harmony.

 ?? (Edgar Su/Reuters) ?? POLICE IN SINGAPORE take part in countering a simulated gun attack at a housing estate in December.
(Edgar Su/Reuters) POLICE IN SINGAPORE take part in countering a simulated gun attack at a housing estate in December.

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