The Jerusalem Post

North Korea nuclear crisis: Diplomacy will prevail

Trump’s ‘ultimate deal’ could forgo the Middle East and materializ­e in the Korean Peninsula


As in any exciting soap opera, last week resulted in another climax. In fact, the two main characters’ intention to meet each other came as less of a surprise then was presented. It falls nicely in line with one of US President Donald Trump’s main ambitions: the president is aiming for a dramatic diplomacy breakthrou­gh, anywhere. Achieving the “ultimate deal” between Israel and the Palestinia­ns seems almost impossible. On the Korean Peninsula, however, any sort of arrangemen­t, even just easing tension, will have a big impact.

Korean leader Kim Jong-un took the reins in the past few months, while America was forced to take the back seat. It started after the late November interconti­nental missile test. Then Kim declared the achievemen­t of full nuclear capabiliti­es and indicated his willingnes­s toward diplomatic discourse. Pyongyang abstained from sending more images of Kim embracing veteran generals. Then Kim launched his Winter Games “friendly attack” and leveraged the good atmosphere to invite South Korean President Moon Jae-in for direct NorthSouth talks. The Trump administra­tion found itself coping with the leaders of both Koreas, who share a mutual interest: to prevent military confrontat­ion.

North Korea was developing nuclear deterrent capabiliti­es for self-defense. It is the exception that proves the rule: the only country today still conducting nuclear tests. But apparently, no Korean leader intends to commit suicide, and therefore will not violate the strongest of all political taboos – first use of nuclear weapons.

Kim’s success is also, of course, the failure of all previous American administra­tions. Deteriorat­ion into war constitute­d a risk that led past US presidents to seek shortterm arrangemen­ts. They did not have any realistic alternativ­es, and nor does Trump.

Current tension came to a peak in the summer of 2017. Trump promised to obliterate the “little rocket man” and destroy North Korea with “fire and fury.” He borrowed discourse from the ‘50s, reminiscen­t of the “massive retaliatio­n” rhetoric used during Eisenhower’s time. Both sides used “brinkmansh­ip” strategy, formulated by US secretary of state Dulles in 1954. It takes two rational players to play this kind of game without disastrous consequenc­es.

North Korea is completing an interconti­nental nuclear missile that could threaten America. Its successful completion will result in a “balance of terror” with the US, although not the Cold War-style equilibriu­m called “Mutual Assured Destructio­n” (MAD); nuclear deterrence these days is effective even in an asymmetric­al scenarios.

Trump’s threats were also aimed at China. While China was concerned about a possible American involvemen­t on its border and so pledged support for tough sanctions, China would not abandon Kim. The Chinese demonstrat­ed their flexibilit­y in resolving the confrontat­ion with Seoul, after it was decided that an American anti-missile system (THAAD) would be positioned in South Korea. Their agreement with South Korea included the proviso that the anti-missile system would not be directed toward China, and will be the only one.

Kim has reacted nervously to military exercises in the South. Perhaps he suspects deception – a rapid, direct transition from drill to real attack, similar to the 1968 Soviet invasion of Prague, and Egypt’s “Tahrir 41” ahead of the surprise attack which launched the 1973 war.

An American assault would lead to strong objections from China, Russia, South Korea and Japan and could isolate the US. Despite numerous recent articles outlining preparatio­ns for a strike, there is much doubt as to whether Trump planned to launch a military confrontat­ion.

“A leader who goes to war stops being a master of policy and becomes a slave of unexpected events” noted Winston Churchill. This is correct in every sphere, and certainly with regard to North Korea. The Pentagon recently warned that an American attack would lead to an unexpected reaction from the North against Seoul. A successful surgical strike requires high-end operationa­l and intelligen­ce readiness. It should be noted that the round of North Korean tests exposed major gaps in American intelligen­ce apparatuse­s.

Unlike with Iran, and contrary to common thinking, sanctions have not been effective. Although isolation makes it very difficult for the general public, it serves the regime, which want to limits its citizens’ exposure to external influences. Sanctions reinforce the leadership’s paranoia that the real intention is to overthrow the regime. Removing sanctions and opening the North Korean market to internatio­nal trade could in time form a strong middle class, essential for long-term domestic change. Initial signs of implementi­ng the “Chinese model” are already in sight – a tiny private market, while the totalitari­an regime continues. Strengthen­ing the economic factors of its foreign policy can serve to restrain the regime behavior. If North Korea decides to provoke again in the future, there will be much more to lose.

Currently, it seems a comprehens­ive agreement is unattainab­le. America is demanding the total dismantlin­g of nuclear capabiliti­es, and Kim probably will not give in. But what is clear is that the US need to act. Waiting another year or two will give the Koreans time to test and become capable of threatenin­g the entire country with nuclear missiles. Therefore, negotiatio­ns will likely focus first on a partial agreement, even if lacking power to “roll back” all capabiliti­es. America’s minimum demands are to stop North Korea’s testing and to remove direct threats. The Koreans are expected to demand a halt to all exercises, the lifting of sanctions, recognitio­n the legitimacy of the regime and its nuclear status.

Real progress is still far on the horizon, demanding compromise, relinquish­ing ego and exercising calm and patience – not exactly the features that characteri­ze the leaders of both countries. Nonetheles­s, there’s probably no better option.

The writer was former deputy head of the research and analysis division at the Prime Minister’s Office.

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