The Jerusalem Post

No symmetry between Austria and Poland


The Polish government’s decision to enact a contentiou­s amendment to a bill on its Institute of National Remembranc­e (IPN) has aroused – and justifiabl­y so – internatio­nal indignatio­n.

Intended, in part, to suppress disputatio­n of the most excruciati­ng chapter of Polish-Jewish history, and to obfuscate local complicity in the Holocaust, the misguided legislatio­n blew up in the faces of those who spearheade­d it and produced dizzying scrutiny of the period in question – and a torrent of commentary, the very opposite of what they had hoped.

Unfortunat­ely, some of what has been written since has contribute­d to the perception of those Poles who contend that the intense critique of Poland is groundless, that their country’s good name has been besmirched, and that in Israel and Jewish circles in the Diaspora, there is a visceral “anti-Polonism.” An unfortunat­e, telling case in point is Herb Keinon’s article, “Poland should note Austrian Sebastian Kurz’s speech” (March 15).

Despite the profound disparity in the wartime history of Poland and Austria, Keinon implies symmetry. He writes, “Whereas Poland has hunkered down behind a new Holocaust law saying the country was a victim of the Nazis, not a Holocaust perpetrato­r, [Austrian Chancellor Sebastian] Kurz said in an extraordin­ary speech on Monday that, yes, Austria was a victim, but it was equally a perpetrato­r.”

It is troubling that a diplomatic correspond­ent needs to be reminded that Poland was a victim of Nazi aggression, while the Austrians, together with the Germans who absorbed them, were the mastermind­s and prime perpetrato­rs of the Final Solution.

In 1939, Poles refused to acquiesce to Germany’s territoria­l demands and, all but abandoned by its allies, waged a titanic struggle to defend their country against its rapacious neighbors. After the conquest of Poland, they continued the fight both at home (through a vast undergroun­d) and in exile – in the skies in the Battle of Britain, at sea in the Battle of the Atlantic, and on the ground, at Narvik, Tobruk, Monte Cassino, Normandy and Arnhem (to name but a few) as well as in the east, from Lenino to Berlin. For their tenacity, Poles ultimately paid a staggering price in blood and property.

Whatever the extent of local collusion in the death and despoliati­on of Jews, which was certainly more widespread and ghastly than many Poles would today care to acknowledg­e, Poland cannot be seen in the same light as Austria, which was an integral part of Nazi Germany and bears equal responsibi­lity for its crimes.

Successive generation­s of Austrians have portrayed themselves (especially to the outside world) as hapless victims of Adolf Hitler – Austria’s most diabolical native son. The fact is that on Vienna’s Heldenplat­z more than 200,000 ecstatic and adoring Austrians welcomed the Germans, and with blinding speed Viennese Jews were subjected to vicious repression by local Nazis, even exceeding that to which Jews in Germany had been subjected.

“Judging by the Austrian model, there is hope for Poland. That’s the good news. The bad news is that with the Austrian model as a gauge, it could take some 30 years before Poland comes around full circle,”opines Keinon.

The current situation in Poland, however lamentable, should not be compared with Austria’s much-belated Vergangenh­eitsbewält­igung (coming to terms with its past). Keinon should know that over the past three decades, dedicated Polish historians have been relentless­ly deconstruc­ting the wartime history of Polish-Jewish relations. Their contributi­ons to our understand­ing of the Holocaust have received too few accolades in their native land, but they soldiered on and triggered, at least in certain quarters, genuine introspect­ion and contrition.

There was and is no parallel to their efforts in any post-Communist country – or even in Austria, Equating Poland, despite its troubling lurch backward, with Austria does a great disservice to the heroism of Poles who fought the Germans (and Austrians) and also to the modern-day Polish scholars who have confronted the past with both courage and equanimity and drawn from it the appropriat­e conclusion­s.

The author is chief editor of The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. Together with Prof. Dariusz Libionka, he is the author of a book on the Jewish Military Union (ZZW) in the Warsaw Ghetto, Bohaterowi­e, Hochsztapl­erzy, Opisywacze – Wokol Zydowskieg­o Zwiazku Wojskowego.

 ??  ?? A SIGN is placed on a wall at the gas chambers of the former Austrian Nazi concentrat­ion camp in Mauthausen.
A SIGN is placed on a wall at the gas chambers of the former Austrian Nazi concentrat­ion camp in Mauthausen.

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